
Budget-friendly ice baths: creating your DIY cold exposure sanctuary at home

As cold therapy gains mainstream popularity for its wide-ranging health and wellness benefits, more
people are looking to incorporate ice baths into their routines. However, commercial ice bath offerings can be prohibitively expensive for most. Thankfully, with some simple guidance, you can create your own affordable ice bath oasis at home…


Allotment update: Frosty days on the plot

Now that it’s winter and the ground is frozen over, what CAN still be done on the allotment? I’ve shared a rather frosty update to let you know how my veggie patch is getting on…


How to heat your home well this winter with these energy-saving tips

You may think that going without heating for as long as you can is a money-saving solution to the cost-of-living crisis. However, the impact of a cold home on your health and on the property itself means you really should heat your home whenever you can. But that doesn’t mean spending a small fortune on energy. Here are some ideas to help you cut costs AND stay warm this winter…


Cosy clothing to prepare you for cold and wet winter weather

Fellwalker Alfred Wainwright once said “There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” Seeing as the Met Office have said that the UK has experienced more weather extremes (both hot and cold) in recent years, I’ve decided to prepare myself for a nippy winter ahead. Here’s what you need to stay cosy in the cold…

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