Money Saving Tips

4 Pain-free ways to cut the cost of your monthly bills

Many budgeting articles will advise you to give up lots of your favourite things if you want to save money. However, it IS possible to reduce your monthly costs without missing out on the essentials for a happy life – here are some pain-free ways to make savings on your bills…

Money Saving Tips

7 Ways to cut the cost of running a vehicle for your freelance business

When you’re self-employed or running an independent business, there are so many things that you need to consider when forecasting and recording your expenses. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to cut down on the costs associated with the vehicle you use for work – here are some ideas…

Personal development

5 Things you can do online today to improve your future career

With every type of information, product and service available on the internet, it’s never been easier to take control of your life and future. Online services can make your life admin easier and even help you change your career so here are five important things you can do online to boost your future life and business…

Money Saving Tips

Who owes you money & how you can get hold of it

If you’re saving hard for a special occasion, home or holiday, you’ll want to gather together all the cash you can to make that dream a reality. So what if there was money out there – your money – that you could get back? Here’s some ways to reclaim your cash today…

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