Money Saving Tips

4 Pain-free ways to cut the cost of your monthly bills

Many budgeting articles will advise you to give up lots of your favourite things if you want to save money. However, it IS possible to reduce your monthly costs without missing out on the essentials for a happy life – here are some pain-free ways to make savings on your bills…

Home buying

A handy guide to the 4 types of debt and how to manage them

You might not realise it, but there are many different types of debt – and not all of them are bad. It’s therefore important to understand the kinds of debt available so that you can make informed decisions about the best ways to borrow money when you need to…

Home buying

New year goals: How to buy your first home this year

If one of your new year’s resolutions is to save a deposit and buy your own home, this article will help. I’m going to talk you through all the things tips I discovered when buying my first home so hopefully, you’ll be able to achieve your goal this year…


Planning a successful home renovation

As you might have seen over the past few months, I’ve been renovating my new home this year. It’s time-consuming, costly and really tiring! But

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