
5 Ways to make the most of a small bedroom

If you have a small bedroom and feel like you need more space, here are five ways that you can easily and cheaply make the most of the room you have so that it feels more spacious…


How to stay organised in 2018

Once you’ve tackled most rooms in your home, purchased new storage solutions, and discarded things you no longer use, how do you continue to stay


Putting the MINI into minimalism…

Minimalist designs are taking over. From interior décor to your favourite watch, everything is minimal and highly functional. Simple and effective use of space is


Chemical-free ideas for spring cleaning

It’s a mucky job – full of unexpected cobwebs and a surprising amount of dust – but it needs doing and it naffs me off every time. I’m talking about the big Spring Clean. Here’s how to do it chemical-free…

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