Believe it or not, winter is almost over! It’s nearly time for those lighter evenings and sunny mornings and I actually cannot wait. This does mean that the long awaited (by children mainly) Easter holidays are creeping up on us, and we can almost hear the cry of ‘I’m bored’ in the background. Garden TLC
First things first, your garden will probably need some tender loving care. We’re all guilty of neglecting our gardens when those blistery winter days set in and the rain doesn’t stop for weeks, however now that the days are getting brighter there’s no better time to get outside and have a little tidy. Decide what you want to get from your garden, how much space you need, things you might want to add etc. My husband and I actually dug over the veggie patch last weekend, so it’s already ready for the seeds to be sown. If you have decking or patio space and want to host a few ‘get togethers’ over the summer then give it a quick clean, get rid of any little weeds that have settled in over the winter and then you’re good to go!
The little ones
There are so many different ways to keep your little ones busy in the garden during the holidays. It’s also a proven fact that if your little ones don’t get outside enough it can lead to a vitamin C deficiency as well as increase the risk of asthma. So, even more reason to get them into the great outdoors! One of my favourites for hours of fun in the garden is having a paddling pool, this opens up so many fun opportunities from water fights, making your own water bombs and even just using it to cool down during the summer heat later in the year. You could also use the garden to create your very own nature bracelets; get yourself some string and get the little ones exploring the garden for leaves, flowers and so on.If you’re looking for something more rewarding for your youngsters, a fantastic way to keep them busy is growing their own plants. Get yourself a small potting bench for the garden or garage and teach your children how to grow their own vegetables or plants. The benefits to growing vegetables are that when they have their finished product they can eat them for dinner and feel proud of their contribution to the meal. Finally, one of the classic things to do on a warm evening is to camp out in the garden. This is a great way to get the kids experiencing nature at night time, seeing which animals they may be able to spot (or hear) and telling stories in the tent it always so much fun!
Some ‘you time’
Your garden activities do not have to stop once the little ones go to bed; warm evenings are the perfect setting for a good BBQ or get together. If you have a patio or decking area and enjoy hosting your own parties then why not gather a group of your close friends and invite them round for a garden party or BBQ? It’s a great way to spend less than arranging a big meal out at a restaurant, and you can make it a little more exciting by asking each friend to bring one item of their choice. That way you have a nice range of food or drinks and you can guarantee there will be something that everybody likes on the table. For those evenings where you just fancy some you time, why not invest in a lounger for your patio area? Then you can take yourself outside with a good book and glass of wine and wind down whilst embracing your surroundings and relaxing in the privacy of your own garden.Let me know what you’re doing to get your garden looking great in time for Easter by leaving me a comment below or tweeting me @Cassiefairy.
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