
Vote for my blog & you could win £100 gift voucher!

Fantastic news! I’ve been shortlisted in the DotComGiftShop Blog Awards 2017! Please could you spare a minute to vote for me in the “Best Interior Design Blog” category?? The voting page is here and when you submit your vote, you’ll automatically be entered to win a £100 voucher to spend on anything you like at DotComGiftShop!

You can vote for as many or as few blogs as you like – even if you just leave one vote for in the interiors category, that would be amazing and would really mean a lot to me. Voting closes at 11pm on 27th October so please could you vote now?! Eeeek!

In other news, I was also really chuffed to be invited to contribute to an article by Altitude Branding on the morning routine of successful professionals. Does that make me a ‘pro’ blogger then?? I bet my morning routine isn’t much different to yours! Nonetheless, I certainly enjoyed reading through all the other contributors’ routines. I was really interested to get an insight into how other entrepreneurs work and the techniques they use to set them up for a busy day ahead.

The Morning Routine Of Successful Professionals

And finally, my photo of Newmarket racecourse from that time I reviewed the McBusted gig has just been published in an article about the July Course by The Derbyshire Times – blimey, my photos are getting about a bit these days, aren’t they?

Keeping my fingers crossed for your vote in the blog awards and thank you SO much for all your support with my blog – it’d be a lonely place here without you!

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Cassie is a freelance writer with a Masters degree in Lifestyle Promotion Studies and is trained in Personal Money Management. She loves to ‘get the look for less’ so regularly shares thrifty-living advice, DIY interior design ideas and low-cost recipes on her blog.

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