It is fair to say that wood is one of the best building materials you can use. But how can you use it to best effect when DIYing your home? Here are some tips on using joinery in your project…

Since renovating my home over the past year, I’ve learnt a lot about woodworking. Specifically, I’ve learnt what things I CAN do, and what techniques I am yet to accomplish! That said, I do love working with wood and I will happily start work on any wood-based DIY project in my home (as long as I have the right tools!) So that got me thinking: How can I improve my skills to add a touch more elegance to my projects? Why, with joinery, of course!
Trees (and therefore wood) are one of the most abundant materials on the planet. In fact, one of the best things about this source of building materials is that it is renewable. As we have become more aware of the environmental impact of our actions there has been an increased effort to replant trees which are felled. This ensures a plentiful supply of wood in the future and helps to retain the environment that supports life on earth. So, using wood in your DIY project is a great idea – but how do you get started?
Technically, anyone can take a piece of wood and create a table, or even build a house. However, to do this and have the finished product look great (and sit level!) takes a little skill. There are several choices when you’re looking to create a DIY project that is practical, strong and useful. You can opt for the flat packed furniture options of stores like Ikea, which uses an amazing 1% of the world’s wood every year. Or you can choose to use commercial joinery, which can build you a bespoke product to satisfy your needs perfectly. The difference is really in the join.

Joinery is the process of merging two or more pieces of wood together. A professional joiner will have learned all the relevant types of joins and be able to create a seamless, yet incredibly strong join. It is important to note that joinery is not the same as carpentry. Carpenters tend to assemble and install a product on-site – probably something that a joiner has made in the first place. A joiner usually creates the product off-site, and they can make cupboards, doors and even stairs.
There is an overlap between these two skill sets but the real difference is evident in the work that a joiner does. If you want to create a decorative join between woods then you need to learn joinery skills – check out YouTube tutorial videos if you fancy giving it a go yourself. Alternatively, you can ask a professional joiner, as they have the specialised knowledge to ensure your two pieces of wood are safely attached and look fantastic in the process. The beauty of joinery is that you’ll end up with completely unique product; your DIY project will be custom designed to fit into the space you have and perform the exact function you want it to.
To create the perfect joint a joiner needs to use a variety of powered and non-powered tools. They also need to set their joints and every detail is carefully considered to ensure the joint is seamless. This is why they usually to operate off-site; they need to work in the right environment to ensure the join is perfectly crafted. And the moment you look at a join created by a professional joiner you will appreciate how joinery is an exceptionally skilled craft.
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One Response
Thanks for providing information about joinery would definitely noted this for future projects where I can include this idea.