
Search Results for: my little vintage caravan – Page 2

Cassiefairy's News

A day in the life…

Hello. Welcome to a day in my life. Wait, don’t go – it’ll be interesting, honest! After my ‘personal branding’ lesson last month, I realised that I really did want to share more about myself with my lovely readers and I think it’s only fair that I give you an insight


My vintage caravan ~ DIY pom-pom decorations

I’m planning a red and pink theme for my birthday celebration and have shared my ideas on the blog via this moodboard. One of the decoration idea that I was keen to replicate was hanging pom-poms, but I wanted something more permanent than tissue paper, so I decided to use


My bonfire night photos as promised!

Just a quick post this afternoon to share my photos from bonfire night as promised in last week’s post! The plan on ‘actual’ bonfire night was to build a small fire in the back garden and chill out with jacket potatoes for dinner, followed by a lot of playing with


Pieday Friday ~ Get out the solar cooker, it’s bbq weather!

Welcome to another Pieday Friday and this week I’m chatting about the concept of solar cooking. It’s possibly not something you’ve considered before and prior to this month I’d never even heard of solar cooking myself but I’ve been researching energy-saving ways to do everyday tasks around my home and


Pieday Friday ~ My red velvet birthday cake

This week is Cassiefairy’s birthday and to celebrate I’ve baked a cake for a little birthday celebration I’m having in my little vintage caravan. I wanted to break from tradition and avoid my usual victoria sponge cake this year (even though it is my favourite) so I thought about making a

Cassiefairy's News

A special honour for Cassiefairy

I’ve received fantastic news that my little lifestyle blog has been honoured by as one of their favourite blogs. They contacted me to let me know that I’d won this little award for my crafty sewing projects and that they had shared details of my blog on their ‘beautiful crafting blogs’ page.


Vintage Caravan Style – the book review!

Wow. I have it in my hands right now. Vintage Caravan Style. And blimey, what a book it is! You may remember that I interviewed the lovely author of the book and editor of Vintage Caravan Magazine Lisa Mora on my blog last month – here’s the article – and had the


Cute ways to create a vintage style bedroom

Creating a vintage style bedroom isn’t difficult and shouldn’t have to cost the earth either. In fact, it’s pretty easy if you know how, and I’m having a go at creating vintage boudoir in my cute little caravan for guests to enjoy when they stay over. Take a look at


Exercise for the mind – dreaming about my ideal home

Do you sometimes find your mind wandering off to a place far away where it settles down on a comfy sofa to take in the stunning coastal view from your seafront property? When I’m daydreaming about my dream home, that’s exactly where my brain takes me and sometimes I can


A new DIY craft for me – cardmaking & embossing

I’ve just tried out a craft that I’d never attempted before – card making. Aside from making cards when I was a child and a feeble attempt at making a homemade card for my husband when I ran out of time to get to the shops, I’ve never even had


Pieday Friday ~ Warming Caramelised Onion Soup

This week, when hubby had a half-day off work, I cooked us both a yummy soup for lunch. It’s definitely the time of year that I want to have something warm to eat at lunchtime (there was actually frost on the ground here this week!) so I looked up recipes for


Pieday Friday ~ Cornflake cobweb cakes

Now that we’re heading towards the end of October, I think it’s okay for me to start talking about making cakes for your Halloween party! Even if you’re not having a Halloween party for the little ‘uns, maybe you can make these little cakes for the trick-or-treaters, or just make


A massive new project for Cassiefairy ~ my vintage caravan

First and foremost, I’d like to welcome all the lovely new visitors from Creative Crafting’s blog tour – I have been waiting for this day for a while now and I’m so pleased to be able to welcome you to my blog. While you’re here please have a good look around


Pieday Friday ~ Make your own retro Jazzles

A couple of Fridays ago I shared my first attempt at making cake-pops with you and I hope you’ve since had a go at making them for yourselves. I did the stick-two-halves-together method of cake-pop making, using a silicone cake-pop tray from Dunelm Mill. If you remember, I had to


Pieday Friday ~ Spiced caramel apple cake

I’ve been out picking apples this week – they are perfectly ripe and ready to be included in one of my Pieday Friday recipes. I think we can officially call it autumn now, and I want to celebrate this by making a cake that is spiked with festive spices and includes the

Meet the author of My Thrifty Life – Cassie Fairy

I’m Cassie Fairy, a full-time blogger and magazine writer. I caught the blogging bug in 2006 and have been writing regular posts ever since. In fact, there’s barely a day that goes by that I don’t blog. I think you can probably tell that I love it and I feel

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