
Search Results for: my little vintage caravan

DIY furniture makeovers

DIY video: Upcycling my Adirondack chairs with vibrant stripes

If your patio chairs or garden benches are looking a little worse for wear after years in your backyard, why not give them a fresh makeover with some seaside-inspired stripes? Here’s a step-by-step video to show you how I upcycled my Adirondack seats for summer…


My little vintage caravan project – renovating the crumbling door

It’s been a while since I posted any updates on my little vintage caravan makeover but that doesn’t mean it’s been put on hold. While a lot of work has already been done, there’s still a lot more to do – some of it rather more practical than aesthetic. Here’s


My little vintage caravan – a new (permanent!) place to park it

I’m finally making a start on my garden. This will be the second summer we’ve lived in our house and last year was completely taken up with renovating the interior. But now my attention has turned to the garden and the landscaping I’d like to do out there. But what


How to create a low-maintenance kitchen garden

Ever wanted to have a gorgeous garden full of foliage and beautiful blooms that takes no time at all to maintain? That’s my plan and it’s exactly what I’m blogging about today! Read on to find out some handy tips to create a low-maintenance garden with plants and veg that


My cat is more famous than me..!

My two little bundles of fluff, Cookie and Muffin, have got themselves quite a profile these days. Not only are they the real stars of my blog (let’s be honest) but they’re actually getting more features than I am these days – here are some of the publications that have


My little vintage caravan – Making the bed

Remember when I got my caravan on the road again last year? I’d imagined that my caravan would never move again (which was okay with me, as I was using it as my sewing and writing workshop) so you can can imagine how excited I was to see those wheels turning

Cassiefairy's News

Be kind and go caravaning at the beach: My news this summer

It’s been a really exciting couple of months at Cassiefairy HQ and I’ve been lucky enough to be featured in a few new publications woo! It’s been a while since I updated you with my latest news (in fact, I haven’t shared anything since May!) so I thought I’d gather


My Little Vintage Caravan – My storage article in Caravan Magazine

Wooo my little vintage caravan has made it into the June issue of Caravan Magazine. My little blue Sprite is becoming quite the celebrity in the touring world! I’m excited to share the article with you today and show off my little renovation project again.So here it is: a double-page spread! In the article I discuss


A cosy & authentic 1957 Alpine Sprite caravan restoration project

Today I want to share some lovely photos of my friend Lisa’s caravan with you. It’s a 1957 Sprite, very similar to my little vintage caravan, but even older! Here are plenty of before and after photos of the project for you to enjoy.Lisa and I first got chatting when she asked


My home office makeover – getting inspiration from STUDIO

I’ve got two copies of the newly released book STUDIO by Sally Coulthard to be won – read on to enter the giveaway!When I first viewed my house, I was specifically on the look-out for an office space to call my own. In previous homes I’d had a desk in


My home office makeover + sit/stand desk solution

I’m getting a home office! And May will be the month that it happens. Finally, a space I can work in all year round with having to move myself and my laptop in and out of the house. Of course, I love working in my little vintage caravan for most


My little vintage caravan – On the road again!

Remember my little vintage caravan? It tends to be more of a focus of my blog posts during the summer, because I seem to spend most of my time out there when the weather is good. When it’s chilly and windy, like it has been this week, I’ve been rather

Art & Photography

6 Crafty ways to preserve your family’s most precious memories

Family memories come and go so quickly. Even when you wait months for a big occasion – marriage, graduations, 1st birthday parties – the time goes by in a blink. You can make the occasion memorable with some of the party tips I shared on the blog earlier this week, but


My little vintage caravan – I’ve been featured in Caravan Magazine!

Did you know it’s World Smile Day today? I can’t think of a nicer event! It’s got me thinking about the things that make me smile and, aside from my family and friends of course, this includes my caravan, sunny days and beautiful flowers. So I’ve nipped out to my caravan to take

DIY furniture makeovers

A quick kitchen DIY for National Upcycling Day

Tomorrow is one of the most exciting dates in any thrifty blogger’s calendar – 24th June is National Upcycling Day. If you have any plans to do up a piece of furniture or have been pinning sewing ideas on Pinterest for months, tomorrow is the day to start that task! I’ve


Making progress in the garden & a new place to relax

Remember I said that we’ve put our house DIYing efforts on hold during August (apart from decorating our guest room, of course) so that we could enjoy the summer? Well, it turns out that the extra time we had gained by not filling, sanding or painting allowed us to do


My little vintage caravan – DIY display cabinet makeover

You can never have too much storage, right? Especially if you’re like me and you’re forever picking up cute little thingmebobs at car boot sales and love to receive little trinkety gifts from friends. But that does mean that I have a lot of ‘things’ yet don’t really have anywhere to


My little vintage caravan – Caravan Magazine & soft furnishings

After sharing photos of Sian’s beautiful Daisy caravan with you yesterday (and the fabulous vintage party package giveaway – check it out here!) I felt a strong urge to hang out in my own caravan and enjoy the lovely weather.So when I finished work yesterday, I took brewed up a


A floral bedroom makeover – Flooring dilemmas

Whenever I get that spring cleaning feeling, it always turns into a bigger job than I imagined. What starts out as a wipe-down-the-skirting-boards and dust-the-curtain-rail kind spring clean, always seems to turn into a complete room makeover. And this year is no exception. That urge to decorate has arrived and


My little vintage caravan – Bargain hunting & a beautiful bouquet

Happy Wednesday everyone! We’re halfway through the week and hasn’t it been a glorious one? We’ve been enjoying lovely weather here all week and have been able to get out into the garden to spruce up the veggie patch (blog post coming soon, promise!). Whenever the sun is shining, I


The 12th Night & a 1967 Sprite caravan decorated for Christmas

Ahh it’s nearly time to take down those festive decorations and get your home back to ‘normal’ – whatever that is! Apparently decorations should be taken down by the “12th night”, although there seems to be some confusion over when that is – it’s either the 5th or the 6th January. Either way,


My little vintage caravan – Personalised storage

A couple of weeks ago I shared my ideas for a crafty storage solution for my vintage caravan workshop and after a few days of deliberation, delivery and construction I’m now able to share with you some photos of the completed shelving units and cupboards. After making the decision about the


My little vintage caravan – Sewing room storage

Over the past couple of weeks you may have spotted a few blog posts relating to my vintage caravan makeover project and, in particular, my attempt to finally turn my space into a proper craft workshop. I desperately needed somewhere to stash all my creative bits, bobs and books so in the

Days Out

Latitude Festival 2017 – my review & photographs

Hi guys, I’m back in my home office today after a thrilling weekend at Latitude Festival here in Suffolk and, now that I’ve finally got back into the swing of everyday life, I figured that now would be a good time to share my photos of the event with you.


My little vintage caravan – My crafty storage solution

If you’ve been following my caravan renovation project to turn a grubby old Sprite caravan into a cosy office and sewing workshop, you’ll know how important it is for me to create a space that is both practical and beautiful. I’ve previously addressed the damp issue and in doing so


My little vintage caravan ~ Pillows & cushions

Before the summer holidays were out, I fully intended to sleep in my caravan and camp out for a couple of nights while the weather is good. In fact, it’s sometimes a little too hot to sleep indoors so I thought that a night in the caravan would be ideal


An interview about my little vintage caravan

Today I’m proud to tell you that I’ve been interviewed about my little vintage caravan makeover project by the fabulous writer Lela from the Simple Caravan Insurance blog. I’m really pleased with how this article turned out (see the original article here) and wanted to share the interview with you to


My little vintage caravan ~ My patchwork mini desk

Last week I shared photos of my ‘new’ piece of furniture for the caravan. It was a tiny little desk unit, which I bought from the carboot sale. It had clearly been unloved for years, with peeling wood and scratches and stains all over it. I spent a lot of

Cassiefairy's News

I’ve been nominated in the Interior Blog Awards 2016!

I was SO chuffed when I heard that I’d been nominated as best DIY & Craft Blog in the Amara Interior Blog Awards 2016! I can’t believe that my lovely readers took the time to nominate me for one of the most prestigious awards in the country – I hope that this means

DIY furniture makeovers

My little vintage caravan ~ A mini desk makeover

I love the thrifty nature of a makeover project to ‘get the look for less’ and I’m always keen to recycle and renovate old or unwanted items to keep them out of landfill. So when I needed a little extra storage space for my little vintage caravan, I headed to


How does your garden grow? My little vintage caravan

Last month I told you all about my plans for creating a gorgeous garden over the summer and so far we’ve managed to save a bit of money by thrifting a fence and doing a lot of digging to even out the undulating lawn. After finishing the construction of our


My little vintage caravan ~ Weekend breakfast

Ever since I finished making the new table top for the caravan, the space has become my go-to place to eat meals. It’s especially lovely in the summer because the interior is warm and I can pop the window open to get a lovely breeze flowing through the caravan. I

DIY furniture makeovers

Tuesday Shoesday – Superstar shoe storage

As I stood on the spiky edge of a stiletto heel and hopped around in pain for the third time in a week I realised it was time to get my shoe storage sorted. Imagine the pain when you accidentally step on an upturned plug and you’ll know how sore


Cleaning my caravan & beautiful spring flowers

April was a good month for getting things done. There were equal numbers of bright days to grey days so everything in out home got sorted out, both inside and out. It’s such a lovely feeling to tick lots of chores off our list and I’m going into May with


My little vintage caravan project ~ Vintage Caravan Magazine

You may have noticed a renewed enthusiasm for my caravan makeover with more and more project photos appearing on the blog over the past month. Well that’s all thanks to Lisa Mora, the author of Vintage Caravan Style and the interview I published with her last month. She’s the queen


My little vintage caravan project ~ Skylight chandelier

I found another leak this week. This time it was down to a small crack in the skylight cover and when the rain came during the week it resulted in a couple of drips on the carpet. I wonder if the hairline crack has been letting water into my caravan


DIY Easter bunny wreath for spring

How will the Easter bunny know where to deliver your chocolate eggs if you don’t hang a spring wreath on your door?? The whole Easter bunny thing is like Santa, right? Well, I don’t want to risk missing out on my chocolate goodies so I’ve been DIYing a wreath for


My little vintage caravan project ~ DIY display cabinet makeover

Storage is very important in a small space and after having to remove most of my caravan’s interior due to damp, it is in very short supply. I have precious little of the original storage left in the caravan – only the seats remain with their under-bench storage space and


My little vintage caravan project ~ I’ve found the perfect shop!

It’s called The Caravan Trail and you can imagine how excited I was when I first stumbled upon the website after spotting a link on Twitter last week. It’s a website full of gorgeous homewares, with beautifully decorated crockery, pretty teapots and picnic items. And most importantly, there are caravan patterns


My little vintage caravan project ~ I’ve got the power!

Ever since reading Vintage Caravan Style when it was released last month (here’s my book review) I’ve been bursting to get on with my own caravan renovation project. Last week I shared details of my new bookcase and I’m hoping to be able to spend more time out there working. At


My little vintage caravan project – the makeover so far…

After reading Lisa Mora’s new publication Vintage Caravan Style (which I reviewed here) I’ve been thoroughly inspired to crack on with my little vintage caravan makeover project. I’d allowed the caravan to enjoy a quiet winter while I stayed indoors in the warm and didn’t really do much work on

Thrifty gifts

Christmas gift guide 2015

It’s that time of year again – gift guide time! I know you’ll all be shopping for presents this week (I know I am!) and if you’re not already ‘all shopped out’ after Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I’m sure you’ll appreciate a few ideas I’m sharing today. First up


Deck Your Door: DIY snow drift Christmas wreath

I can’t wait any longer. For me, Christmas starts right here. I’m going to be decorating my house next weekend and I don’t care who knows it! I’ve already got a couple of new decorations to add to my Christmas tree and I’m ready to spread tinsel wherever I go.


My little vintage caravan ~ My pink & red birthday party

A couple of weeks ago I started planning my birthday party. I usually completely overlook  my birthday because I get too excited about Christmas. But this year I have my little vintage caravan, which seems to be the perfect venue to celebrate my getting a year older! I have already shared


My little vintage caravan ~ Pink party food ideas

Last week I shared my inspiration for creating a pink and red themed birthday party. I usually forget all about my birthday in the excitement of the run-up to Christmas, so this year I’ve made an effort to mark the occasion with a little party in my little vintage caravan.


My little vintage caravan ~ DIY pink party cones

Earlier in the week I shared my ideas for a birthday party via this moodboard, and as you can see I’m planning a red and pink theme for my birthday celebrations next week. So I’ve been spending a little time in my caravan crafting my own party cones using pink


My little vintage caravan ~ Pink party inspirations

My birthday is coming up soon, and what with the Christmas celebrations, I often overlook it myself! I get too excited about the festive season and forget to make any plans to celebrate my birthday. This year, I thought I’d treat myself to a little pink-and-red party in my vintage


My little vintage caravan ~ Clearing up the glitter

A couple of weeks ago, one of my closest friends and blogger-extraordinaire Jenna from Glitter Daze blog came to stay with me and we has a fantastic time going on little trips, taking snaps for our blogs and getting stuck into craft projects so that we would have plenty of DIY tutorials


My little vintage caravan project ~ Pull yourself together

Patient: “Doctor, doctor, I feel like a pair of curtains”, Doctor: “Pull yourself together”. So today I’m sharing my latest sewing achievement in my little vintage caravan project – I’ve made some curtains. And roman blinds too. The roman blinds came about by accident because I thought I’d ordered enough fabric


Fairy, Fairy, quite contrary, how does your garden grow?

Welcome to my new series of blog posts all about my plans for my garden makeover! I know there are probably lots of historical and underlying meanings that you can read into this nursery rhyme but I am simply using it to set the tone for summer, because with the


My little vintage caravan project ~ Oilcloth table

This week I have made great inroads into using the caravan for its intended purpose as a workshop space – I have made a table. This is my version of a desk until I sort something else out at the ‘other’ end of the caravan, so if I want to


My little vintage caravan project ~ take a seat

I’ve finally started what I was most looking forward to doing with my little vintage caravan project – creating a lovely place to sit. Yes, it’s soft furnishings time! I’ve spent a couple of hours at the sewing machine and I’ve made my own covers for the bench seat pads using


My little vintage caravan project ~ Fabric inspirations

Those of you who have been reading my blog for a little while will know that a few months ago I bought a caravan! While she may not have been the prettiest looking caravan, it definitely gave me a project to sink my teeth into. I set up a Pinterest board


My little vintage caravan project ~ All the trimmings

Okay this might not be the most interesting subject of a blog post, but it is part of my vintage caravan makeover, so I’ve snapped some photos of the window trim being replaced. Although it’s not exciting, it is essential, because the old brown window trim had cracked and was falling off,


My little vintage caravan project ~ Floored or flawed?

You may have noticed in my last blog post about the caravan that there was a roll of carpet plonked in the middle of my seating area. And the even-more eagle eyed of you will have noticed that I’ve painted my inner wheel-arch cover with a dark pink shade. This


My little vintage caravan – DIY patchwork walls

I’ve decided to go for a little ‘design feature’ on one of the walls of my little caravan. I want to wallpaper one wall to create a feature wall, so I went to the DIY store and picked up some samples of pretty wallpapers in shades of pink, yellow and blue,


My little vintage caravan project ~ Sprucing up the woodwork

It was such a shame that so much of the caravan interior was is such disrepair that it had to be removed. I’ve been looking at other vintage caravans on Pinterest and I’ve found myself wishing that I still had a kitchen in the caravan to decorate with colourful tea-caddies, cute oven gloves and


DIY project – My ceramic tile design

I mentioned in my blog post earlier this week that I’ve been out in my caravan now that the summer is here and I’ve crafting non-stop. I made little Red Ted and posted my sewing project on Wednesday and today I’m sharing some snaps of my recent attempt at tile painting.I heard

DIY furniture makeovers

My renovation sensation project

When I first heard about the Renovation Sensation project my mind went into overdrive – so many ideas went whizzing around my mind and I was super-excited to get started. The challenge was set by Direct Blinds and I knew straightaway that it was right up my street: I love the


My little vintage caravan project ~ Ice cream colours

This week I’ve moved on to the interior of the caravan and I’ve cracked open a few old tins of paint from the garage to see what colours I already had (I am trying to fix up my caravan on a budget after all).


My little vintage caravan project ~ Clearing out the old…

I am starting my new caravan makeover project with a clear out. If you didn’t see my first blog post about my new caravan please read back over my blog post a couple of days ago on 14th August and you’ll know why I need to begin with an excavation


My little vintage caravan project ~ A fresh start with a new look

If you’ve not already read about my new caravan workshop project, please have a read of how I came across my little caravan (and all about clearing it out in preparation for painting) the links are below. I like the shape of my caravan – I think it’s small and round

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