
13 Tips for improved self-confidence

Self-confidence impacts our lives in many ways, from getting a new job to having a successful relationship. A lack of self-confidence could stop you from seizing opportunities or feeling like you’re deserving of a win, so it’s important to deal with these issues head-on. Here are some tips that might help...

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If you’re looking for some tips on how to improve your confidence, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what you need to know to start feeling more at ease with yourself and to ditch that imposter syndrome…

Don’t Make Comparisons

Making comparisons with others is one of the unhealthiest things you can do when you suffer from low self-confidence. Many people make the mistake of comparing their worst days to other people’s highlight reels. Allowing yourself to fail and look imperfect will not only take the pressure off you but give others the permission to fail too.

There isn’t another you on this planet so embrace your imperfections and own who you are. You’re not supposed to live your life wishing you were someone else.

Accept Yourself

Acceptance and appreciation go hand-in-hand. You have to learn to appreciate all the good things about yourself to be able to accept yourself. This will mean practising to see all the things you like about you and trying some empowering strategies that’ll aid your self-improvement and wellness.

For many people, their biggest critics are themselves. You can begin to start accepting and appreciating yourself by changing your inner monologue. For instance, instead of being hard on yourself for not completing your to-do list today, you would congratulate yourself for working as hard as you were able to. 

Know Your Worth

If you want other people to recognise how deserving you are, you have to believe it yourself. You are worthy of good things but other people won’t acknowledge that until you acknowledge it yourself. This can involve being transparent with people and setting healthy boundaries.

For instance, if you’re the only one that your boss asks to work late, it may be time to stick up for yourself. By showing others that you aren’t willing to be treated poorly, you demonstrate your worth.


To build your self-confidence, you have to believe in yourself. Using daily affirmations is a great way to start training yourself to think differently. When you say self-affirmations out loud to yourself each day, it’s an ideal way to start believing what you’re saying.

You can also try to create a positivity board. This board would be full of affirmations and pictures that can help you on your journey to improved self-confidence. It can also include any goals you may have that are related to your confidence levels.

Talk To Someone

Perhaps your confidence issues are due to something that has happened in your life that has caused trauma. If you have low self-confidence because of something that has happened in the past, it’s essential to work through it with a professional. A few sessions with a therapist could help you to unpack the way you’re feeling.

Once you understand the cause of your low self-confidence, it will be much easier to build it back up. You may feel that no-one will ever be able to understand how you feel but talking to a therapist could change that.

Be Social

If you’re an introvert who likes to spend a lot of time alone, it may be time to spread your wings. Confidence comes from stepping out of your comfort zone and allowing yourself to have different experiences. When you’re around people in a social setting, you’ll need to be able to navigate social queues.

When you can survive in different friendship circles without a problem, your confidence levels will undoubtedly increase. Try joining a selection of classes and groups to get different experiences in your spare time.

Seek medical help

There are times when low self-confidence may be accompanied by other feelings. Feelings such as anxiety and depression should never be put down to confidence issues alone. If you’re feeling low, it can help to talk to a medical professional.

You may not understand why you’re feeling the way you are but your doctor may be able to give you more insight. The sooner you seek help, the better. If anxiety and depression isn’t recognised and treated as quickly as possible, it can get worse and lead to addiction and suicidal thoughts. Never suffer alone – seek help now.

Physical Activities

If you’re planning on stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new, why not get some exercise at the same time? Joining an exercise class is a great way to tick several boxes at the same time. Not only will you be meeting other people but you’ll also be giving your body a health boost.

Sometimes, a boost in self-confidence can come from a boost in your mood. Exercise is ideal for boosting your mood because it releases endorphins that are also known as happy hormones.

Work On Aesthetics

How you look can have a massive impact on how you feel. Countless people have lost their confidence because they’ve put on unwelcome body weight or they’re not happy with another aspect of their physical appearance. It could be as simple as joining a weight loss class or adding some new clothing items to your wardrobe. For instance, faith-based apparel like Christian t-shirts for women, can offer both comfort and empowerment, serving as a reminder of one’s spiritual journey while also enhancing self-expression through fashion.

If you feel that you look good, it can change your whole perspective on life and how others view you. However, aesthetics isn’t the be-all and end-all of confidence. Self-confidence is always something that should come from within.

Aim High

Nothing boosts self-confidence like reaching for and succeeding at goals. Don’t ever sell yourself short. The worst thing that can happen is that you fail and you have to try again.

When it comes to achieving your goals, don’t be afraid to aim high. You’ll never know what you’re capable of until you’ve done it. It can be a huge confidence boost when you realise you’re capable of doing more than you thought you were.

Look at Your Friends

If your friends and family tend to be negative or have a negative impact on you, it could be harming your self-confidence. When those who are closest to you consciously or unconsciously tear you down, it can be difficult to build yourself back up.

Try spending less time with these people and befriending people with more positive outlooks on life. Spending time with people who have positive attitudes will help you train yourself into becoming more positive yourself. It can help to look for local groups that have an element of support that can build up your confidence levels enough to help you set new boundaries.

Loving Relationship

Being in a loving relationship is a natural confidence booster. To wake up in the morning and know that the person next to you loves you for exactly who you are can put a pep in your step. When you feel accepted by someone else, it becomes less difficult to accept yourself.

However, it isn’t always easy to find these kinds of relationships and make them last. When you are in a loving relationship, respect it and nurture it so you can both feel the benefits.

Take a Break

Putting pressure on yourself to improve your confidence can be the worst thing you can do when you need a break. If you’ve been working hard and haven’t taken a vacation for a while, now is the time to do it. You may be surprised by how you feel when you return. 

If you’ve found this article helpful, take a look at the others in my wellbeing category. I hope it’ll help you to feel better, grow your confidence and highlight your existing strengths. Let me know in the comments below if you have any other tips you’d like to share about how you ditched imposter syndrome.

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14 responses

  1. I liked this confidence building article. It is worth reading for everyone since it has many beneficial suggesitions.

  2. Very impressive article particularly on improving self confidence.It is indeed worth appreciation being based on practical circumstances on day to day life.Kodos

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Cassie is a freelance writer with a Masters degree in Lifestyle Promotion Studies and is trained in Personal Money Management. She loves to ‘get the look for less’ so regularly shares thrifty-living advice, DIY interior design ideas and low-cost recipes on her blog.

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