As the summer festival season approaches I’d like to share an article with you that I read last year.
Kate Sampson of She magazine writes about her experience of festivals in the June 2010 issue, in particular Latitude festival in Suffolk, which I have attended a number of times; “Around us were children of all ages, smiling and dancing in all manner of fancy dress, enjoying precious moments of magical family togetherness. The steeper ticket prices and strict security ensure that large crowds of undesirables are kept at bay and the invitations [to festivals] weren’t coming from let-it-all hang-out parents, but sophisticated, responsible, like-minded folk.”
I too really enjoyed the safe and happy atmosphere of Latidue festival, and noticed that the number of festival-goers in fancy dress or wearing the lastest fashion trends was growing; “Festival chic had clearly arrived and brought with it new sartorial demands. Dressing up in dreamy designer dresses or chic attire, complete with mandatory Hunter wellies and fantasy accessories has become de rigueur, with Kate Moss as the figurehead. “I have a dress-up chest,” Kate admits, regarding her festie queen wardrobe. “I love to create this fantasy kind of thing.”
Latitude festival is “A living, breathing fairy story”and the fact that it is hosted by the ‘Sunshine Coast’ adds to the fantasy of hazy, relaxed summer days in the dappled shade; “Its all about the atmosphere of being with friends in a slightly crazy town, buying pink tutus and having hands hennaed. There’s a feeling that time has stood still. People have stopped rushing to get somewhere and are simply chilling out.”
…Sounds absolutely wonderful. And it is!