I like to think that I’m the boss in my own home, but in reality we all know that its our pets that really rule the house. Well that’s certainly the case here anyway – if Muffin wants to sleep on the bed, I’ll give her a pillow to herself and if Cookie wants to use my wicker storage baskets as a scratching post she is welcome to. In truth, our cats are our family and we get up in the night for them, take care of them when they are ill and feed them the finest meals before we even feed ourselves. But sometimes pets really do take liberties and today was a perfect example of this…
Where is the perfect spot for a cat to sit? In the centre of the bed, of course. In a shaft of warm sunlight. And the ultimate win for a cat is… a pile of freshly laundered towels in that very spot. Of course I realised this a little too late after doing my washing this morning and leaving the room for the briefest of moments. By the time I popped my head back into the bedroom Cookie was lying very comfortably in the sun, on top of my clean towels.
I could tell that she knew she had been caught out when she turned to look at me with a face that said ‘what?’. She continued to show no remorse and simply got up, turned round to face me, stretched and settled back down for a full-on grooming session. Those were HER towels now and there was nothing I could do about it. The cheeky little cat even started posing a little for these photos! The fact that she’s still lying on the pile a couple of hours later just shows how much Cookie rules our household.
I know that my pets get up to all sorts of cheeky tricks and mischievous antics when I’m not looking and it would be so interesting to set up a camera to see what they get up to in a day while we are out of the house. Although, come to think of it, my cats are so lazy that they probably just sleep all day and it wouldn’t make the most entertaining viewing. Even so, I have found out about a competition by Argos Pet Insurance where you can cash in on your pet’s naughty antics by taking snaps of your pets when they are getting up to no good and sharing them on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram with the hashtag #PetsCaughtOnCamera. The prize is a Motorola Scout 83 Pet Camera plus £100 to spend at Argos, and the competition ends on the 7th April. The prize sounds great to me and there’s plenty of time for me to capture more of Cookie and Muffin’s cheeky antics so I’ll definitely be sharing lots of cat photos over the coming month!
Let me know if you have a sneaky cheeky pet yourself or have a kitty that behaves just like my Cookie, I’d love to hear from you so please leave me a comment below.

6 responses
Cats are the rulers of my world 😉 Don’t actually have one at the moment, but I used to and I wish I could have one again…
Aw thank you, I’ll pass on the compliment to Cookie 😉 cats are the best aren’t they?!
Cookie is incredibly cute! Cats just do not give a toss, do they? I love that attitude 😀
Haha what a cheeky kitty! I think they know when we’re in work mode and they r trying to distract us!Cookie loves to sit on the laptop keyboard to stop me working 😉
Haha yes I do. One is very chilled and well behaved.. The other was having great fun diving headfirst into a carrier bag full of stuff for my latest post yesterday and then sat on my ‘set’ and refused to budge! I took a million cat pictures in the end as per! xx
I love cats! This one is adorable!! Love the pictures!
Records of my Troubles