With Spring finally upon us, now is the perfect time to start thinking about getting the most out of your garden. How exciting would it be if you could use your own home grown fruits or vegetables for baking, drinks and other concoctions all summer long? You’ll be able to enjoy the gardening aspect (and therefore get more exercise and fresh air!) as well as the delicious taste of your home grown fruit or veg.

Growing your own fruit and veg is not only satisfying, but very healthy. Having constant access to all kinds of fruit and veg will encourage you to be more adventurous with your meal planning and have healthier snacks throughout the day. Try and focus on growing fruit and vegetables that you and your family like, and eat a lot of. This way you’ll be sure everyone is happy and you’ll all be able to enjoy freshly grown seasonal produce. Along with the health benefits you’ll also be saving yourself some money, as it costs little to grow your own in comparison to the prices you pay at the local supermarket.
Before you start buying seeds and raking over the soil, think about what types of fruit and veg would work well for you this summer, that way you’ll enjoy lots of fresh produce with minimal wastage. You could grow yourself some strawberries, apples, blackberries or grapes to use in homemade crumbles or pies. You could even use your fruit to create some exciting summery cocktails or fruity drinks to enjoy in the glorious sunshine.
There are also so many different types of veg you could grow, from tomatoes, potatoes, asparagus, carrots or even artichokes! Think of all the dishes you’ll want to make with your home-grown veggies; homemade pies, fresh salads and even home-grown pesto..! You can save so much money on family meals by growing your own produce at home and it’s really fun to do with the kids too.

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In fact, your garden will come to life with the addition of some fruit and veg crops. Having a small area dedicated to your veggie patch will add character to your garden, as well as giving you something to feel proud of. There are a few simple things you would need to consider when growing fruit and veg, and the main thing is maintenance. You need to make sure that you maintain their conditions and water them frequently, unless of course it’s raining.

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If you have a busy schedule, which I think we all do, then you could use sprinklers or timer sprayers, these are perfect if you are out of the house throughout the day and don’t get chance to water them every evening. You can time your sprinklers to water the plants at the same time, every day! Lighting is another great item to include, as this way if you need something from your patch and it’s darker outside, you’ll be able to see what you’re doing. Having lighting will also help to create a nice atmosphere and show off your garden even at night-time. You can find sprinklers and lighting and a weatherproof junction box (for electrical safety) at your local home or hardware store, or even garden centre.

Which varieties of fruit or vegetables do you think you’d benefit from planting in your kitchen garden this year? Will you be trying out some new crops or planting some old classics? Let me know your garden plans by leaving me a comment below or tweeting me @Cassiefairy.