Oooh I have some exciting news – over the Easter holidays my interview with WhatHouse? was published and I’m so pleased to be able to share it with you today. Here’s the link to the article if you fancy having a read: it’s a design Q&A all about thrifty interiors so I thought you might like to check it out (and there’s a cheesy ‘I’ve won an award’ pic of me too!)News of my award has spread really quickly and I’ve been contacted for interviews by a few different journalists over the past couple of weeks. It’s so unexpected and I’m starting to feel a bit like the Beyoncé of the interiors blogging world, haha!
The first article to be published was on the East Anglian Daily Times website – my local newspaper covered the story within hours of the results being announced. A lovely writer for the publication Megan Goodwin got in touch to interview me about the win and I was thrilled to spot my photo on the website again alongside the words “Woodbridge blogger Cassie Fairy wins National Interior Blog Award” eeeeeee!
The award means SO much to me because the prize was a donation to a local homelessness charity and it has helped the brand new project ‘The Bus Shelter’ Ipswich’ as they renovated a bus into a night shelter. Check out my previous blog post about the project to read more about this fantastic charity and great idea (and maybe donate a little to the cause if you like!)

One Response
Well done Cassie well deserved.