In spite of the pandemic impacting on everyone’s plans this year, some weddings are still taking place, albeit with only a handful of guests – so that means many brides will still be celebrating their ‘last night of freedom’! So how can you plan a hen party at a distance? Here are some ideas…

Even though some parts of society are reopening, many areas are still in lockdown and most leisure businesses remain closed. That includes the traditional hen party locations such as spas, theatres and clubs. Add on the fact that people still can’t gather in groups – and that many people wouldn’t want to! – and you’ve got a tricky combination of factors that might prevent a hen party from taking place.
But not if you try out some of these ideas instead..!
While hen parties are traditionally full of blow-up grooms, L-plates, sex toys, butlers-in-the-buff and willy straws, there’s no need for your lockdown hen do to be any less naughty. After all, if you host a virtual hen party via Zoom or WhatsApp etc, you’re in the privacy of your own home and can get away with whatever naughtiness you like! Get the girls together and make sure your virtual meeting has a password (!)

For a bit of organised naughtiness, why not arrange a zoom session with a burlesque dance teacher? I’ve been to a burlesque class in the past at Dance East and my friend and I had the most fun ever. We were supposed to be learning how to do a sexy striptease but we were giggling all the way through and I don’t think we learnt a single thing – other than how to take off a long glove! Nonetheless, it was loads of fun and could be just the thing to do together as a group via video call. Add plenty of burlesque accessories such as a feather boas and stockings to amp up the sauce-factor and make those face masks look sexy!

Have an at-home cocktail making session with your best girl friends. Use whatever ingredients you already have in your drinks cabinet, pantry or fridge to invent some cocktails during your virtual hen party. Make sure to give the cocktails naught names and make a note of the recipe so that you can all recreate it again in the future when you’re reunited.

If a small group of you are meeting up for a socially distanced hen celebration, you’ve got to make sure you’re dressed for the occasion, right? So fashion face masks are a must. I’ve seen lace masks, which would be ideal for the bride and just take a look at these ultra glamourous ones I found below. I found these hand-washable leopard print, sequinned (my personal fave) and even crystal-encrusted masks online. It just goes to show that there’s no reason not to dress up your mask to the max too.

It’s an essential part of any hen party, isn’t it? You’ve simply GOT to play cheeky party games. Now that bridesmaids have to plan around social distancing, using a games bundle like the Hen Hamper from Gutter Games is super-handy. The games can be played 2m apart, indoors or outdoors, or over Zoom with groups of up to 30 hens. The Hen Hamper contains a mixture of sweet and sincere, naughty and hilarious, and downright embarrassing and boozy games to choose from during your virtual hen do. There’s old classics like Mr & Mrs (innocent and naughty versions) and cheeky games like hen charades and ‘what am I?’.

Plus, one of my fave features of Zoom is that you can write and draw things for other guests to see while you’re screen-sharing, which makes it ideal for drawing games. I recently discovered Gutterhead, which is described as the naughty love child of Cards Against Humanity and Pictionary. It’s super naughty, in fact I think the tagline is ‘fiendishly filthy’ – making it an ideal game for screen sharing at virtual hen parties.

I hope these suggestions have made you think that a hen party will still be fun when hosted virtually and that you can enjoy your ‘last night of freedom’ before the big day. Do you have any other suggestions for DIYing a socially-distanced, virtual hen party? What party games have you tried during lockdown? I’d love to hear your ideas for virtual parties in the comments below 🙂

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