When you think of interior design, does it evoke thoughts of spiritual health or improved decision-making? This is exactly what a peaceful home can provide. Applying the general principle of feng shui, you can invite positive energies into your life with the way that you arrange your living space, especially your bedroom. Here’s how.
Before you can do anything else, you will want to start by removing all of the clutter from your home, which could help you feel like you have fewer obstacles in other areas of your life. It is often said that your mind is a reflection of the space that you inhabit, so having too many belongings in one place could impair your ability to think clearly and make sound judgments. This principle is also a chance to reinforce the fact that you need very few things to be happy, and most of them won’t be tangible objects.
In addition, you should create a space that appeals to all of your senses. When people think of interior design, they most often associate it with a home that looks nice. While it is important to have a good visual presentation, you should also think of touch, sound and, perhaps most importantly, scent. You can improve your bedroom’s ability to put you at ease by adding soothing, natural scents such as warmed tea tree oil or lavender. When it comes to touch, you’ll want to put extra thought into choosing your bed linens. A plush mattress topper can provide your tired muscles with a respite after a long day, and sheets made from a high thread count or a blend that includes silk can help lead you into a deeper slumber. Add a fan to provide a little white noise to override outside noise such as traffic if you live in a busy city centre.
You should also feel like your bedroom is a mirror image of your spirit, so incorporate the things that you love, such as old keepsakes or your favourite artwork. Being surrounded these pieces will increase your sense of well-being by reminding you of some of the most common sources of joy. Incorporating plant life can have the same effect.
Just as important as what you put in your room is what you don’t put in it. Forego stimuli such as a television, computer or digital tablet because the light and sound from these devices can make it harder for you to fall asleep. If you find yourself looking for a way to unwind before bed, try reading a book or writing in a journal instead. The latter activity is especially beneficial because transferring your thoughts from your mind to paper helps you rest with a clear your head, which is the ultimate goal of creating a more peaceful environment.
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2 Responses
I’m glad you enjoyed this article, thanks for getting in touch!
There are some wonderful pictures in this post – sadly my home is not quite to this standard, but it does bring me joy. We provide mobility furniture for the elderly or less able, which aims to increase wellbeing by providing assistence, but we try to keep style in mind. Afterall, aesthestics do affect how you feel, as you’ve shown above!