Last week I shared some ideas for a couple of thrifty dates for a Valentine’s Day, including a DIY night a the movies and a luxurious afternoon tea. I actually cooked up these cheesy scones as part of my afternoon tea celebration and I wanted to share the recipe with you today so that you can give it a go for yourself.
I’ve made many cheese scones in the past and it’s one of my favourite treats but this time I thought I would experiment with a new flavour, and spiked the recipe with some wholegrain mustard. And I don’t mind telling you that it was delicious! Here’s the recipe I used:
Ingredients: 175g self-raising flour, 25g margarine, 1 egg, 2 tablespoons of milk, 1 teaspoon of wholegrain mustard, 50g red Leicester cheese, 50g mature cheddar cheese, pinch of salt and pepper.
First mix the margarine into the flour with your fingertips to form a breadcrumb consistency and then stir in the teaspoon of wholegrain mustard and keep stirring so that it is evenly distributed throughout the flour mixture. If you’d prefer to use mustard powder that’s fine, just stick to only half a teaspoon to make sure that the mustard flavour doesn’t overpower the cheese! Add the pinch of salt and pepper before adding an egg and milk and mixing into a dough.
Roll out to approximately 1 inch thick and cut out into rounds with a crimped cutter – or you can use the rim of a glass to cut out scones, or just cut the dough into triangles. Put the scones onto a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper and sprinkle on a little extra cheese before baking at 220 degrees (gas mark 7) for around 10-15 minutes or until golden. Enjoy warm with a little butter, yum!
Let me know if you try out this recipe and I’d love to hear your ideas for different scone fillings and flavours so please get in touch – leave me a comment below or tweet me @Cassiefairy.
2 responses
Thank you Laura, so pleased you like my blog! Let me know how you get on with this recipe if you give it a try 🙂
They look delicious! I’ve made cherry scones before but will have to try out these more savoury ones. P.s. what a lovely blog you have, I’m looking forward to reading along x