It’s been a really exciting weekend here at Cassiefairy HQ because I’ve been shortlisted for an award! I’ve been chosen along with 19 other fabulous interiors blogs (many of which I read myself!) to be put forward for the Tile Trader Best Homes and Interiors Blogger Award and I’d love it if you could vote for me to win!Local journalist Megan Goodwin got in touch for an interview on Friday and by the afternoon an article about the award nomination was already published on the East Anglian news website! The write-up was really kind and supportive, and thankfully they used a fairly nice photo of me – phew!
And the following morning things got even more exciting when a friend texted to tell me that I should check out the local paper. It was so weird to see my picture published on page 10 but I was delighted that the East Anglian Daily Times are supporting me in the blogger awards and they even urged their readers to vote for my blog. Fingers crossed!
I thought I’d share a quick post today so that you can see the article yourself and to ask you to vote for me in the blogger awards by following this link here. I’m in the list of finalists on the blog award page so it should only take 30 seconds of your time to give me a quick vote!
So far I’ve got 20 votes so a big thank you to everyone who already voted. I’d really love to do well in this competition because the winning blogger gets the chance to donate £200 to a homelessness charity. This is a subject that has been close to my heart for many years and I really want to be able to help those fantastic services out there that support the homeless. Thank you all so much for helping me out in this competition – it means a great deal to me 🙂

7 responses
Cheers Laura, you’re a star! x
Thank you so much Pili, so kind of you to vote for me! 🙂
All links should be working now phew 🙂 the page takes a few seconds longer than usual to load but should go straight to my voting button at the bottom of the page, hurrah!
Oh no! Thanks for letting me know, I will edit the links asap! x
I’ve tried to vote but all inks come up with an empty page 🙁
Congratulations on all of this!! Currently voting, so good luck!!
Records of my Troubles
Voted!!!!! Good luck!!!! Laura xxxx