
How to take care of yourself while chasing your new year goals

If you've been going a little too hard while chasing your new year goals, here is some inspiration for self care, wellbeing and making positive changes to your life...

If you’ve had a stressful start to the year, today’s blog post is for you. Sure, it can be tempting to rush into the new year and complete your goals as quickly as possible but if you’ve been going ‘all in’ so far, you might be close to burn-out by now. If that sounds like you, I’m hoping that today’s blog post will give you some inspiration for self care, wellbeing and making positive changes to your life…


One of the surefire things that’ll boost your mood and to help you achieve your goals without burning out are your friends. Whether it’s your old pals from school or new friends at work, making time for them will give you time away from your busy life too. And when I say make time for them, I mean it – put a date in your diary and make plans with your pals.

If you want to widen your friendship circle and make new friends with women who’ll support and empower you, join a club like the Make Friends Club. Being surrounded by a supportive community will boost you on your bad days and they’ll be there to celebrate with you when things are going great – with plenty of advice and positivity along the way.

You can talk over your goals and plans with your friends and perhaps you’ll discover that you share the same aims. If so, you can tackle your goals together and hold each other accountable for sticking to the plan. This is especially helpful for health goals, as it’s always more fun to train for that 5k when you’ve got a pal by your side, and you’ll be more likely to show up for a run if it means letting your friend down if you skip a session.


Honestly, you can only achieve so much if you’re not taking care of yourself too. If you put self-care at the bottom of your ‘to do’ list, you’ll never get around to it. Stress can cause all sorts of issues, from colds and poor sleep, to hair loss and skin breakouts, so you’ll only feel worse if you don’t spend some time on yourself.

Whether you need to sleep more hours, eat better, pamper yourself or simply unwind with a book, movie or favourite LP, do it right now! Without taking care of yourself, you’re almost guaranteed to feel burnt-out – especially if you’ve been chasing your goals relentlessly for the past two months.

Have a read of my blog post about turning your bathroom into a spa-like sanctuary, which proves that you don’t need to spend a fortune on treatments to feel better about yourself. And if you just need to take a full day off to rest, make sure you put it in your diary and look forward to that day. No computers, no phones, just the things YOU want to do.


Again, your physical health will probably be something that’ll suffer if you’re chasing your goals relentlessly. Unless ‘getting fit’ is one of your goals, in which case carry on haha! If you’re concentrating on other new year resolutions, such as growing your side hustle into a full-time business, or striving for that promotion at work, or working all hours to save a deposit for the house of your dreams, these goals may take you further away from living the healthy lifestyle you need in order to avoid burn-out.

Sitting at a desk all day and then flopping on the sofa in the evening is no good for your health, so make sure you get outside for a spot of exercise during your lunch break or after work. I don’t mean you have to go jogging or head to the gym (although both would benefit you) – you simply need to get some fresh air, absorb some vitamin D and go for a fast walk to get your heart rate up a little.

Exercise gives you more energy so if you think that you couldn’t possibly muster the energy to get active on top of all the work you’re doing – think again! The blood and oxygen flowing around your body during a workout gives you a boost of energy to get more work done AND you’ll sleep soundly, so your exciting goals won’t keep you up at night.

Let me know how you avoid burn-out in the comments below and feel free to share your plans for the coming year, and how you’re working towards them without too much stress. Good luck with your goals, I’m excited for you!


This article is a sponsored collaboration. The pink links in the content indicate a sponsored link or information source. The blog post reflects my own experience and the sponsor hasn’t had any control over my content 🙂

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Cassie is a freelance writer with a Masters degree in Lifestyle Promotion Studies and is trained in Personal Money Management. She loves to ‘get the look for less’ so regularly shares thrifty-living advice, DIY interior design ideas and low-cost recipes on her blog.

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