But the doors are made entirely of glass, so it’s not as easy as using a tin of paint and a roller (although I’ve never tried that – does it work?) so I’ve put together a little DIY video so guide you through the process…

Here’s what the cabinet looked like before I started work on it… You see? Books and CDs (even a cassette!) and clutter all on display. What a mess!

The cabinet itself wasn’t even in the best condition, with scratches and stains all over the wood. I originally bought it from the car boot sale for a few pounds and had used it to store bits ‘n’ pieces for a few years before I decided to upcycle it.

I wanted to create a colourful cabinet and I definitely wanted to hide the mess that I was storing inside it. I picked up some spray paints that are suitable for using on glass and chose vibrant colours to tie in with my colourful interior.

It was quite a fun process to decide on the colours and pattern for the doors. Of course, you could just use this technique to add a simple pattern or even cover the glass in a solid colour to make the doors opaque and disguise the contents of your cupboard. I’ve made a step-by-step video and have popped it on YouTube so have a watch to see how I painted my glass cabinet…

The paint is all on the inside of the doors so the outside still has a glossy glass finish and can be wiped-clean, so it’s a great solution for kitchen cupboards, sideboards and book cases too. Let me know if you have a go at upcycling glass cabinets yourself and I’d love to see photos of your projects so please tag me @cassiefairy in your Instagram pics.

2 responses
Thank you, that’s really kind! 🙂
Great Job!!!