Whether you’re new to journaling or have been doing it for a while, this newly published book is for you. It’s both a self-help guide that’ll inspire you to connect to your higher inner wisdom AND a usable journal where you can make notes and complete daily journal entries. The aim of the book is to help you feel more decisive, creative, fulfilled and work toward achieving your goals and dreams.

If you’ve always liked the concept of journaling but never really knew where to start, today’s your lucky day because I’ve got TWO extra copies of The Intuition Journal to give away so read on to find out more about intuition and to enter the competition below…

Intuition is your innate inner knowing. As a trained intuition coach, I like to think of it as the wise, guiding voice within that tells us to chase after our wildest dreams – whether to move halfway around the world, start that creative business you’ve been drawn toward for so long, or just live each day with more simplicity.

You have probably felt that inner nudge or spark that accompanies a stroke of intuition. It may be experienced as a feeling, an energy or a moment of inspired insight. But at its core, tuning into your intuition is simply the act of listening to your body and the whispers of your heart, which is what this journal is designed to help you do.
Your intuition connects you back to what is often described as your higher self – the part of yourself that innately knows what is best for you in the most holistic sense. When you can move through each day from this space, you will feel a deep sense of alignment, and life will become a reflection of your true essence. When you listen to your intuition, you will be able to hold space for the things that support your inner growth, whether that be sitting under a tree to ground yourself, taking an acting class to build inner confidence, or speaking out about an issue for the greater good. Your intuition becomes your life compass, guiding you toward living your truest intention in every moment.

The ability to listen to your intuition is invaluable for many aspects of life – from relationships, communication and problem-solving, to creativity, leadership and business.

When you learn to act from a place that feels deeply aligned with your core values, you will move through life with clarity, meaning and purpose, enabling you to make a more positive impact on the world around you. Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Pablo Picasso, Oprah Winfrey and Nicolas Tesla are among the many inspiring figures who have recognized that it was intuition that guided them to do their life-changing work.
People sense and experience their intuition in different ways. For some, it might come through as a gentle guiding voice; for others, an inspiring vision. Use the exercise on the following page to get to know how best to recognise intuitive insights in your own life. Learning to listen to a healthy balance of both your heart (intuition) and your head (rationality and logic) will serve you well.

This journal has been created as a dedicated place for you to tune into, develop and act on your intuition by cultivating space and stillness between your thoughts. Writing in it daily means making a commitment to knowing yourself better and to allowing your innate wisdom to emerge with more clarity. I hope you enjoy the journey of perspective shifts and inner growth that it takes you on – so that you can love and appreciate your life even more than you do already.

The author Jo ChunYan is a trained intuition coach with a double degree in chemical engineering and pharmacology. She is dedicated to helping people explore the art of listening to their inner wisdom and her website is jochunyan.com if you would like to find out more info about the author. The Intuition Journal is published TODAY so hop online to buy a copy for yourself.

And now, on to the giveaway! If you would like to win a copy of Jo ChunYan’s newly published book The Intuition Journal, today’s your lucky day! All you need to do to be in with a chance of winning one of the TWO copies I’m giving away is to leave a comment and register your entries via the Rafflecopter form below. Best of luck to you all!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Giveaway open to UK residents only. The competition runs from 12th November to 2nd December 2019. Two winners will be chosen from all the entries received after this date. You will need to provide a UK delivery address to receive your prize.
45 responses
A small daily goal
I’m just getting into reading more online about intuition and this journal would be the perfect next step for me!
Thanks for the chance
lovely giveaway
I would love to win this for my partner I think she would use it to write down all her feeling and thoughts
My goals, dreams, wishlists, health notes and gratitude.
I would record special moments with my children
I would record all my daily triumphs and goals I’d keep it positive to help keep me going!
I would write down as much as possible about what I’ve done and what I need to do. Hopes and Dreams!!
“Attitude of Gratitude ” :- What I appreciated that day.
Would like to start a dream journal
I would record my goals and my gratitude in mine
I’d love to record my feelings relating to depression highs and lows and also manifestations
All things relating to manifesting.
I’d use it to journal my progress with my crafts and hobbies
I love journalling and doing this sort of self reflection work. I become a new mum in the new year so I think I would be jotting down alot about my feelings as I adapt to motherhood.
I would record my highs and lows, this would really help in my battle with depression.
My fleeting thoughts – the ones that I always wished I paid more attention to and my dreams.
I would record my thoughts and feelings. I think it would help!
i would record my inch and weight loss
Appointments, my daily to do list and my goals – and thoughts on my weightloss journey
I’d love to use it to record my thoughts, I think it would be great for mental health
I would record my goals and my gratitude in mine.
I love journals I keep a bullet journal at the moment and it has been a blessing and a joy. I would use the fab Intuition journal to keep track of my health and wellbeing goals ( eg diet and water intake and steps taken) and also as a space to record all my goals and dreams and ideas of how I can reach them.
My goals and dreams is what i would use the journal for, and of course what i have achieved in my life
id record my weekly goals
Meal planning, fitness goals, self care goals, I love things like this
All important dates to remember and those to forget!
my daily activities and my aims for the week ahead, with bullet points, and evaluation at the end of the week
Id record all my activities and childrens activities xx
I think I would use this for aspirations and gratitude. I love writing a keeping a journal
Memories made with my 8 children
My thoughts, feelings and ideas I have, and probably the range of jobs I went too that day (Paramedic) with the hope of opening my own care company. So inspiration to myself on how to do this and take the plunge to do this!
Aspirations, worrys and achievements, so I can see positive outcomes rather than negative ones
A combination of random thoughts and feelings along with goals and dreams.
After 21 years I am quiting the rat race and changing my job
My dreams as soon as I wake up as I always forget them before I have chance to analyze them
what i am grateful for, dreams, positive notes to myself
My thoughts, feelings and ideas.
I would jot down thoughts and ideas about my business as i am self employed.
Mostly to do with my occupation and stuff at home, could do with some guidance.
It would be really useful to record my daily activities
I would probably start by writing my dreams and random thoughts to see if there is a pattern.
I’d love to use this to improve my mental health. I’d record all of my thoughts and feelings to better understand how I can better my life
I’d put in all my appointments, grade every day from 1-10 and explain why so I could look back on the good times and bad!
I think everyone could do with this in their life.