Photos by @nicola_crosbiephotography and @coorie_at_corvisel
It was over a year ago that I got to see the festive rooms in the majestic Corvisel House in Newton Stewart, Dumfries and Galloway. I’d previously followed Anne’s beautiful home account on Instagram @coorie_at_corvisel for years and have always been inspired by the period interior.

So, when I got the chance to write an article about her home for the January issue of Reclaim last year, I couldn’t wait to see the beautiful rooms. Luckily, I also got to see the house beautifully decorated for Christmas, which really inspired my own festive decor.

The estate property was built in 1829 and is full of period character, but had been unoccupied for eight years before Anne moved in. So she completed extensive renovations before turning her attention to the interior decor. You can read all about the renovation in issue 77 of Reclaim.

As you can see, at Christmas Anne’s floristry skills really shine, with foliage garlands and floral arrangements on every available surface. I’d love to include more real flowers and festive greenery in my festive decor this year and Anne is the inspiration behind that.

The exterior of the house sets the scene, with an impressive display around the stately front door. The entry hall is no less grand, with the ornate staircase decorated with seasonal foliage.
The whole house really comes alive at night with the addition of twinkling fairy lights strewn throughout the floral arrangements.

The large living room is made to feel extra cosy with low lighting, a large lit tree and squishy sofas. An asymmetric floral display highlights the fireplace and includes colours that link back to the tree and the room’s decor.

I just think the whole space looks so welcoming and it really is the dream period interior for Christmas. You can just imagine sinking into those gorgeous sofas with a mince pie and a glass of something mulled, can’t you?

Let me know in the comments below if you’ve been inspired to decorate with foliage and florals this December after seeing inside Corivsel House. I’d love to know what your favourite festive design is from Anne’s beautiful home. And be sure to find her on Instagram @coorie_at_corvisel to see this year’s decorations, too.
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