
Pieday Friday – Chocolate chip cookie cups

What better way to serve ice-cream and chocolate sauce than in freshly baked cookie cups, eh? I don’t know where I conjured up this idea from in my mind but when my family recently popped round for an impromptu meal, the cookie cups were something I really wanted to try out. I knew I had ice-cream in the freezer but wanted to serve it in a more exciting way than just in a bowl with some sprinkles. So I dug out my trusty chocolate chip cookie recipe (eggless, which is great for allergy sufferers) and set to work creating some yummy ‘bowls’ in which to serve my vanilla ice cream.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-13 pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-11 pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-12Ingredients (makes 4 large cookie cups or 12 small cookies): 175g plain flour, 75g butter, 50g light brown sugar, 150g chocolate chips, 3 tablespoons golden syrup, 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1/4 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda, 1 pinch of salt. Oven pre-heated to 190 degrees.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chipStep 1 – Mix the flour and butter with your fingertips to create a breadcrumb-like texture. Mix in a pinch of salt along the bicarb and baking powder.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-2Step 2 – Pour in the chocolate, sugar and golden syrup.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-3

Step 3 – Stir with a knife and bring together to form a dough – it’s very sticky!pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-4pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-5Step 4 – Divide the dough into large balls and press out into a flat disc.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-6Step 5 – Bake on a baking tray lined with grease proof paper for 15 minutes or until golden.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-7Step 6 – While they’re still warm (taking care not to burn yourself) press the cookie flat.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-8Step 7 – Lift the cookie, parchment paper and all, and carefully press it into a large cup.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-9Step 8 – Allow to cool inside the cup and lift out when the cookie has hardened.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-10pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-11Step 9 – Fill with vanilla ice cream, drizzle with chocolate sauce and throw on a handful of sweets, nuts or sprinkles.pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-13pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-12 pieday friday baking recipe cookie cups pudding dessert chocolate chip-14What do you think of this easy-yet-impressive way to serve ice-cream to your guests? The cookies tasted really good, and the vanilla ice cream helped to balance out the extreme sweetness of the cookies. Let me know if you try out the recipe and I’d love to hear if you have any tips for making cookie cups in a different way! Please leave me a comment below or tag me in your baking photos on Instagram @cassiefairy. I’m hoping to share my recipe today with the Bumpkin Betty Baking Club as part of the ‘free from’ baking theme, hope they like it!

6 responses

  1. These look amazing! I will definitely have to try it at some point 🙂

  2. Thank you Anca! I bet this will be fun to make with the kids, they can do all the mixing and get gooey with the dough! Watch out with the temperature of the cookies when they come out of the oven though – too hot for little hands! 😉

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Cassie is a freelance writer with a Masters degree in Lifestyle Promotion Studies and is trained in Personal Money Management. She loves to ‘get the look for less’ so regularly shares thrifty-living advice, DIY interior design ideas and low-cost recipes on her blog.

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