This week I wanted to share with you the photos of our fantastic anniversary party cakes so that you can get inspiration for your own celebration cakes in the future. I am very lucky to have a fantastic sister-in-law who is an amazing baker and can make any cake you can imagine! I was planning a basic traditional white wedding cake for our anniversary party but she suggested this gorgeous cupcake bouquet and I was thrilled when she offered to make it for us. I bought rainbow cupcake cases straight away so that they tied in the with party theme and the roses were piped onto the cupcakes using white cream-cheese icing and little green royal-icing leaves. I bought some terracotta pots and added polystyrene balls covered in green tissue-paper and the cakes were inserted into the balls using skewers and cocktail sticks to create the bouquet shape.
We also jazzed up the white wedding cake with rainbow dots – Smarties “glued” on with a small dot of piped-icing – such a simple but effective decoration. It made a really stunning display with the cake bouquets either size and it would have cost a fortune if we had gone directly to a wedding cake shop (and I shudder to think how much each cupcake would have cost us!). I could never have created something so beautiful myself so I’m very grateful to Katie for taking on the enormous task of making enough cakes to feed all of our guests. Thanks Katie, you’re the best!
By the way… have you got your FREE copy of my Pieday Friday E-Book yet?? No longer will you have to search through my archives to find your favourite recipe – it’s all there in the book, and it not only contains pie recipes, but all of my favourites including soups and snacks, sweet treats and main meals! I want to give something back to my lovely readers so I’ve published it as a free PDF e-book as a ‘thank you’ for sticking with me all this time soooo… Preview the entire E-Book here and email me and I will send you the PDF e-book directly to your inbox, completely free for you to download!