So you may remember that I had the dull and tired hall venue above to dress up ready for our 10th wedding anniversary party and I’d been looking around Pinterest at ideas for decorating the hall on a budget. I knew I wanted to continue the rainbow theme of our invitations, cupcake bouquets and the jam-jar tealights, so I decided that the best way to make a big impact was with bunting.

So I ordered packs and packs of cheap plastic bunting from a party shop online (the lowest price I could find!). I wasn’t worried about the bunting looking plasticy; although fabric bunting would have been a little more glamourous, I would have blown the whole party budget on just the bunting. Plus, I figured that I would rather have more quantity of cheaper bunting, which would create a bigger impact on the room as a whole, rather than a few strands of better quality bunting. In this case, quantity definitely won out over quality! Here’s how the hall turned out:

This was thanks to 3 of my lovely friends helping out with stringing it all out – in all, we had about 250 metres of bunting inside and outside the venue, so it looked amazing! It was really colourful and filled the ceiling space perfectly – it certainly made the venue look much nicer than when we arrived to decorate it in the morning!

I made the spotty rainbow tablecloths above by sewing together 2 tea-towels that I’d bought in pairs from the poundshop – so that’s only 1 quid per tablecloth for real fabric! As we were having a band to play in the evening, I decided to give them a glamourous backdrop with a rainbow shimmer curtain – this width used three curtains, so this decoration cost under ten pounds!

Plus we made a few multi-coloured paperchains for around the walls using sheets of sticky wristband (the type that you get on your wrist when you go to a gig or event). It’s easy to make the paperchains this way because the ends are already sticky and it’s a cheap option because printing companies often have leftover end-of-pack sheets that they can’t use. Or try the good old fashioned method of using strips of coloured paper and a stapler! Anyway, let me know what you think of my cheap and very cheerful decorations for the party, leave me a comment below or tweet me photos of your own party and bunting at @Cassiefairy 🙂

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- Our 10th wedding anniversary & how we got here..! (cassiefairy.com)
2 responses
Haha, definitely! It was very pretty – but now I’ve got all those metres of bunting to store away for the next time I need it – maybe the 20th anniversary?! 😉
Awesome! Hope you had a great night. Definitely agree that more is more with the bunting!