Sophie has provided headings to prompt us bloggers to think about what we’ve been inspired by each week – food, places, music, books – anything!
Sophie says “I would really love it if other bloggers would like to get involved and just spend that five minutes on a Sunday thinking about what they’ve done in the last week. Please feel free to use the graphic below!”

Ate… Lots of local cheese at a wine tasting evening at our local pub. It was a great night, hosted with the pretence that we would be helping the pub to choose which wines to stock in the future, but really it was just a great excuse to drink wine and eat cheese! It was especially nice to get to know some of the other regulars; we see them all the time, but have never really talked to them, so it was a good way to get us all chatting and now we have a mini pub community!
Watched… Loose Women everyday with my lunch. I’ve been rubbish at taking a proper break from writing at lunchtime and I know it’s important to look away from the screen every now and again, so I’ve been forcing myself to have a proper lunch break away from the computer, just like people with ‘normal’ jobs do. I used Loose Women as a timer to let me know that it’s time to stop and time to start up again – I may not concentrate on watching the show while I’m making and eating lunch, but at least I’m stepping away from the laptop and having a rest.
Listened to… I bought two new albums on Ebay this week – new to me, but not ‘new’ new – one was Smash Hits 1995 with all my childhood classics on it, and the other was to replace the High School Musical CD that I’d lost (I suspect that it was in the CD player of a car we’d sold last year – the buyer got themselves an extra treat!).
Laughed at… My attempts to melt chocolate to make my choccie-apples (here’s my blog post) for National Chocolate Week. I didn’t know chocolate could burn like that – and I only left it unattended for a few minutes!
Read… I finished reading Caitlin Moran’s How to be a woman this week (a genius writer and a hilarious book that I would recommend to all women and writers out there!) and haven’t yet chosen my next book to read. I did however, get 4 magazines this week – In Style because Drew Barrymore was on the cover, The Times Magazine, my favourite weekend supplement, my Mensa subscription, and a new magazine I spotted on the newstand Reloved. So I’ve been flicking through those magazines this weekend: this is an achievement because it’s something I never usually make time for so the magazines remain unread until the following month when they are well out of date.
Went… to the new Matalan that has opened in my nearby town. I found it because it was right next to the Gala bingo that I went to last week (here’s my blog post about it) and I vowed to come back and investigate the shop. I tried on 8 dresses but only one was a perfect fit – I still didn’t buy it though, because I have no special occasion to wear it for, boooo. But when it’s my birthday and someone wants to buy me a gift, I’ll be able to point them in the direction of that Matalan pencil dress!