Hurrah I’m finally taking some time off! Don’t worry I’ll be popping back from time to time to share some updates on what I’ve been getting up to during my summer break but in the meantime I’m going to be sharing some fantastic guest posts from my lovely blogging buddies. I dropped my pals a line earlier in the month to ask them if they would be able to help me take a little time off. Well, I couldn’t just leave you guys without anything to read now could I?!The people I’ve called upon to step in with some fabulous guest posts this summer are the friends I’ve met over the years at blogging events. They are the people I’ve really clicked with and have enjoyed their company tremendously. I knew that their blogging ethos matched my own (they’re thrifty DIYers with a touch of daydreaming thrown in!) and I wanted to work with them as much as I could. You’re in for a treat over the coming month as I share guest posts from the following lovely people – here’s a taster of what’s to come…
Magazine editor Victoria from interior design blog (and straight-speaking life-in-general blog for that matter!) Apartment Number 4 sent me an article on her top Instagram accounts to follow. Her taste is impeccable and I love all the inspirational photos she shares on Instagram so I’m pretty sure that this blog post will lead me to discover plenty more fabulous photographers to follow on social media.
A blogging duo are next up, sharing a unique – and downright indulgent! – recipe or black sesame seed ice cream. Eulanda and Omo from travel blog Hey Dip Your Toes In have taken influence from their extensive travels to create delicious recipes on their blog. It earned them the title of Best Food and Drink Blog at this year’s UK Blog Awards, which is where I met this inspirational couple.
Laura from – a great source of no-nonsense wedding advice and glamorous bridal inspiration – will be sharing a fabulous thrifty blog post titled “How I Saved Money on My Wedding”. She’ll be drawing on her own experience of getting hitched earlier this year and will teach us everything she’s learnt about saving money on ‘the big day’.
My long-time blogging buddy Lucy from the colourful has got a fantastic feast to share with us – not one, but THREE delicious curry dishes. Using fresh ingredients and plenty of tasty flavours, she has put together a mouth-watering selection of spiced vegetarian meals, that you can enjoy individually or as one big giant summer feast! Keep an eye out for this on Pieday Friday.
Anna from Don’t Cramp My Style interior design blog agreed to virtually show us around her home. She sent over lots of gorgeous photos of her apartment to show us all just what can be achieved in rented accommodation. See, you can inject a bit of style and personality into your home even when you’re not allowed to decorate!
I can’t wait to return the favour and send over guest posts to my blogging buddies when they next go away on holiday. In the meantime, keep an eye on the blog to read all these fabulous guest posts and be sure to leave me a comment to let me know what you think of these recipes, design ideas and wedding inspiration after you’ve read them. Have a great summer guys!