If you’re already thinking about Christmas, you’ll probably be wanting to find a few extra pennies for your festive shopping. When money is already tight it can be hard to imagine how you can save anything between now and Christmas but believe me when I say it can be done! And here’s how:Earlier this week I actually visited the Planner Wealth blog (yes, even thrifty bloggers like me need advice sometimes!) to find out some ideas for making even more savings than I usually do each month. I watched a really handy video with 5 helpful tips to show us where we can cut corners and save a little extra money here and there. I’ve embedded the video below so that you can watch it and make use of the advice for yourself.
I totally agree with the advice about saving money on food in this video. I’m such an advocate of cooking from scratch and making “tumble-down” meals with leftovers – have a look at my Pieday Friday category for 100s of thrifty recipes, all super easy to make and simple enough to be cooked with the kids too! A simple fuss-free savings idea is switching everything in your weekly shop over to ‘own brand’ versions.
The video also contains tips on getting better deals on your bills and saving energy around the home – check out the Energy Saving Trust for more advice on improving the energy efficiency of your home. And if you’re trying to get the best deals and lowest prices on the things you’re buying (such as Christmas presents!) there are plenty of voucher code websites that can help you get ££s off and free delivery, such as MyVoucherCodes.co.uk. The video even offers a few ideas on how to make some extra money at this time of year.
Even saving a few pence here and there all makes the difference – you won’t believe how much it adds up to when you add it all together at Christmas. But the key here is to actually put aside the difference in price for each of the savings you make. So if you manage to renegotiate your phone bill to £5 less each month, put that fiver in the savings pot. If you save just 2p on a tin of baked beans, put that extra 2p in the pot. You won’t notice it when you put away these savings but emptying out your piggy bank in December will give you an unexpected stash of extra cash right when you need it.
I hope this video helps you and that you manage to put a little extra cash aside in the run up to Christmas. I’ve already started putting my savings into a piggy bank and I’ll empty it out at the start of December when I head out to the high street to do a spot of festive shopping. Best of luck with your thriftiness, guys!
This article is a sponsored collaboration. The pink links in the content indicate a sponsored link or information source. The blog post reflects my own experience and the sponsor hasn’t had any control over my content 🙂
2 Responses
Thanks for all the extra tips – I especially like the idea of saving your usual train travel costs even when you’re not travelling, I bet that soon adds up! We save £2 coins for Christmas too!! 😀
Great ideas for saving Cassie, here are some of the things I do to save if I get any product cheaper than expected I put the difference in my savings jar. I travel by train to Adult Ed so in the holidays I put the train fare in the jar. I get a warm home discount on my electricity bill and the difference goes in the jar.
On Sat night I empty my purse of all coins and when £2 coins came out I started to save them, I now automatically separate them in my change and save them.
Apart from Christmas if you save like this then you can treat yourself to something you’d find hard to justify from the household budget.