There’s one thing that people tend to overlook when they’re remodelling their home but it’s also one of the most important pieces of kit in the house. Sure, you want a lovely power-shower plumbed in and brand new flooring fitted. Yes, you’ve had a new oven professionally installed and you’re carpets are freshly laid. But when the time comes to move into your newly renovated home, you’re probably going to take all your old furniture with you (and so you should!) but that might include your old mattress and that’s where I come in.I’m currently doing up my new house and one of the items on my ‘must-get’ list was a new mattress. Alongside a list of tiles, radiators and a new kitchen sink was a mattress. It may seem odd to you that I’ve prioritised this ‘luxury’ item when I still have plumbing to do and new doors to install but honestly my bed is SO important to me that it easily made the list.
A bad night’s sleep ruins the following day for me and considering that I spend 8 hours of my day in it, I want it to be comfortable. I often struggle when staying away from home; a night in a hotel might be fun for most people but the mattresses tend to be hit and miss. It’s the same with pillows. My dodgy whiplash neck can be easily upset by sleeping on the wrong type of pillow. And I’m no fun to be around when I haven’t slept well…
And here’s another reason I wanted to get a new mattress: is it really worth the effort to move your musty old mattress to your lovely new home? It’s not going to fit into the car so you’ll need to hire a van. You’ve got to lug it out of the house (probably drop it into a puddle on the way), heave it into the van and then drag it into your new home and up the stairs. If you’ve ever moved a mattress you’ll know what a pain this is to do. So if you’ve had it a while, it might be better to cut your losses and order a fresh new one to be delivered directly to your new address.
I did just that. In order to celebrate finishing the renovations in one room – the bedroom, of course – I treated myself to a new mattress. I figured I deserved it after stripping the woodchip off the walls, repainting with 4 coats of paint to cover the orange walls beneath the wallpaper, glossing two doors, fitting a new radiator, installing underlay and laminate flooring, fixing the electrics, adding new skirting boards and decorating a fitted cupboard. Yes, after doing all that work ourselves, we needed a darn good rest!After doing a lot of research online I decided an eve mattress for my new bedroom. I’d read my friend Anna’s blog post on Don’t Cramp My Style about her own eve mattress and she told me that she’s been really happy with it since she got it in 2015. Interestingly enough, the mattress arrived in a cardboard box which made the process of getting my new mattress up the stairs and into the bedroom so much easier.
When I undid the box it was easy to see how such a huge kingsize mattress could fit into such a relatively small box; it was vacuum sealed, folded in half and rolled up. Amazing what they can do these days, isn’t it? I remember mattresses being delivered in their usual state in the past – this makes it all so much easier to unpack. By the way, even the inside of the box is beautifully designed – they really have thought of everything!
It’s also good fun to watch the mattress ‘inflate’ itself when you remove the packaging – it’s super fast! My first through when I saw the box was that there was no way that my huge kingsize mattress was going to come out of it. But I was wrong – in a couple of minutes it was puffed up to full size. I decided to leave it a few hours before testing it, just in case that made any difference to the ‘inflation’.
I’ve only slept on it a couple of nights so far but – oh my goodness – the memory foam is a dream to sleep on. I never get twinges and even a dead-arm is a thing of the past as the mattress sort-of molds itself around you. And, by the way, it’s still on the floor as we haven’t yet decided on what bed frame to order. So if my mattress is THIS comfortable on the floor I can just imagine how lovely it will be when it’s properly positioned in a comfy frame. I just need to sort out some crisp white sheets and I’ll be in bedroom heaven!
I hope this blog post has been interesting to you – let me know if you’re considering a new mattress purchase by leaving me a comment below. I’ll be sure to let you know how I get on with the mattress – the great thing about ordering an eve mattress is that you can try it out for 100 days and then hand it back if you’re not happy with it – bonus! I bet they never get any returns though because, judging by my experience so far, who wouldn’t be happy with such a great night’s sleep??
Some items in this blog post have been gifted to me and the pink links indicate a gifted product, affiliate link or information source. All thoughts and opinions in this post are based on my own experience and I am not responsible for your experience 🙂