I couldn’t believe my eyes when a friend tweeted me recently to tell me that I was in the local press. I had no idea! Within a couple of minutes I was on the newspaper’s website and was reading through the article.
Thankfully it was for good reasons – I’d been included in a list of “Suffolk’s social media stars”! This must be what it feels like to be Beyonce 😉 Along with 8 fantastic bloggers and instagrammers (many of whom I know and actually follow myself!) my little blog was included in this ‘top 9’ list.
By the way, my floral ‘festival fish’ crush mug is from The Caravan Trail
It turns out that the article was on two news websites and printed in the East Anglian Daily Times. It was quite late at night when I heard about the article so I couldn’t get hold of a copy of the newspaper until the following day (when I swiped a copy from my friend who gets the paper each day).I thought I’d share some photos of the newspaper and the link to the article with you today – what do you think?? I’m really pleased with the little write up and am delighted to be included alongside my blogging buddy LucyLovesYa and fellow UK Blog Award winner Wildlife Gadget Man in this list.
My husband hasn’t stopped calling me ‘his little social media star’ since last week, and I’ve even started using myself: ‘I can’t possibly make myself a cup of tea, I’m a social media star’ and ‘did you know that a social media star just stripped wood-chip wallpaper off the walls’ etc. insert crying with laughter emoji here.
If you’re not already following me on social media here are my profiles: @Cassiefairy on Twitter, @Cassiefairy on instagram, I have a Cassiefairy page on Facebook, and I’m CassiefairyBlog on Pinterest. Have a good week everyone, hope you’re smiling as much as I have been this week!