After much research for my own home renovation project, I’ve discovered that LED lighting is becoming more and more popular these days. Not only are we illuminating our homes with this type of light bulb, they are also popping up commercially in schools, hospitals and offices. Many businesses are using LED neon signs more frequently, as part of their decoration, to allow their customers to feel at ease and making the atmosphere more cheerful too.

When we buy new lighting, we should consider the environment, making sure it doesn’t make our planet take a turn for the worse. That’s why eco-friendly faux neon sign makers like Custom Neon create LED signs that are in tune with the environment. This enables us to give the planet the help that it needs, avoiding the use of further harmful materials, and without using a manufacturing process that damages the ozone layer even more.
I think that the popularity of LED lighting comes from their ability to save energy (and therefore money!) and with LED lighting, saving money doesn’t mean you have to compromise on quality or even on style – there are countless designs available so I’m sure I’ll find an eco-friendly lighting solution for my home. Here are few great things that you probably didn’t know about LED lighting and it will hopefully, if you haven’t already, inspire you to make the switch yourself!
They run for hours (and hours and hours)
We all know how much of a pain changing a bulb can be. It seems once you have changed one, the others decide to follow suit, and before your know it you’re changing a bulb every other day somewhere in your home. LED bulbs have power for literally hours (around 30, 000 to be exact) and so it is very unlikely that you will even need to change one whilst they are installed (that works out at about 20 years). Standing on a chair and praying for dear life whilst attempting to unscrew the bulb without choking from lampshade dust exposure, is definitely a thing of the past.
They are eco-friendly
Basically, LED lights use less electricity than their halogen alternatives and therefore are a friendlier alternative if you are concerned about electricity usage and the environment. It is thought that LED’s are around 80% more efficient. In the past, people have been put off using energy saving bulbs due to the lack of lighting they actually give out when switched on. However, LED lighting has improved massively over the years and it is now just as bright as your regular light bulb, yet about a million times more efficient. If you wanted to get really technical, an LED light also has extremely accurate beam angles, meaning they focus the light in one specific direction, lighting exactly what you want it to in any one room. A halogen bulb will emit light in all manner of directions meaning that as lot of it is just wasted as light pollution.
They make your bills less scary
Studies have shown that families who have made the LED switch have saved over a thousand pounds a year on their energy bills – now if that isn’t enough to make you want to switch then I’m not sure what is! Think of everything you could buy with the money you have saved – it definitely makes the money spent having them installed worthwhile and cost-effective!
They are all so different
It is definitely true that lighting can really transform a space and enhance any decoration that is already there. Lighting is so important that it even has the power to make a room appear bigger or smaller. The great thing about LED’s are the choices that are now available, not just in decoration and design but even in colour! From plinth lighting to add dimensions to your kitchen to in-shower lighting and even outdoor decking lights, there is really so much that you can do. If you have a big space that needs a little warmth, you can choose a ‘warm’ LED bulb to make the room appear cosy. Similarly, if you need a small room to appear a bit bigger, then a cool, white LED will add that little bit of extra brightness. Of course, there are plenty of colours in between from ‘daylight’ to ‘overcast sky’ to name but a few – so you can have some great fun choosing your preference. Dimmer switches are also a fantastic way of instantly changing the ‘mood’ of a room, and a lot of LED lights are available to be installed with this.
Let me know if you’ve already got this type of lighting in your home by leaving me a comment below and tell me all about your experiences of it. I’m still at the planning stage of my own home so I’d love to know how you find it and work out whether it would be suitable for my rooms too! Thanks 🙂
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2 responses
Thanks Mel! Oh I agree – it’s such good sense to use LEDs, I guess it’s the style that puts people off but the designs available are fantastic these days!
I worked for a lighting company for a while and could never understand why they didn’t stock or even mention LED lighting. With so many people becoming more conscious of their spending habits, it makes so much sense to use LED lighting but I don’t think a lot of people really understand the benefits yet. I hope you manage to find the right lighting for you and good luck with the renovations!