When it comes to home décor, I almost get giddy about decorating for each season. I am one of those homeowners who will decorate for Halloween, Christmas, Easter, and just about everything in between. Sometimes, I even find myself decorating for summer. And, while I am typically all about waiting until the appropriate season has officially arrived before putting out my decorations when it comes to autumn, I whip out the Halloween décor at the first sign of a cool breeze. Halloween comes so soon after autumn officially begins that I feel as if it won’t get the appropriate amount of time on display if I don’t get it up just a tad early. But, who can blame me, right?

From the skeletons that send chills down your spine to the pumpkins on the front porch – it just creates the epitome of a fun atmosphere. So, from my living room to the front porch, all the way down to my dining room table – everything is getting covered in Halloween décor! And, using a few decorating items from Wunderlabel, you can create these perfect Halloween decorations for your home, too:
“Happy Halloween” Sign
I always start with the front door. It is the first thing people see when they arrive at my home and it is what sets the tone for everything else. My favourite décor for the front door is a simple sign that reads, “Happy Halloween.” You can easily make your own with a little paint and some wood.
Carved Pumpkins
Of course, if the front door is decorated, you can’t neglect the front porch. I love to really get into the holiday spirit by carving a few pumpkins with my hubby. Then, we leave them out on the front porch to decorate the front of the house. All you need is a pumpkin and a carving kit (I got mine from the Factory Shop for a pound last year!)
A Witch
To accompany the pumpkins, of course, you need a spooky character. With some hay or even just stuffing that you would use in a cushion, you can stuff some old clothes to make them look like a witch. Add a hat and a broom and it will look like you’ve got the real deal.
Creepy Boo Bottles
Ghosts are an iconic part of Halloween décor. Start saving your empty milk bottles now! Once you have a couple saved up, rinse them out, paint them white, and use black paint to draw the face of a ghost on them. It is a fun, affordable and easy upcycling project.
Scary Birds (in a jar)
Like I said, I love to decorate my dining room table as well. With a fake stuffed bird and a mason jar, you can easily create a spooky table setting. Simply set the bird on a bed of moss and flip the jar over it so it looks like it is trapped inside the jar.
Vampire Napkins
This is a spooky idea that is great for parties! Grab some of those plastic vampire teeth from the pound store and splash a few white napkins with red food colouring. Then, use the vampire teeth as the napkin holder to go right around the centre of each napkin.
Forever Pumpkins
Of course, pumpkins don’t last forever. And, once the ones outside are done, I still like to have some displayed for the rest of the autumn season. So, grab a mason jar and print out a jack-o-lantern face. Glue the print out around the jar and place a candle inside.
Hanging Ghosts
All you need for this is some white paper or fabric, some string, a black marker and some scissors. Even the kids can help! Just cut out ghost designs, draw a face on them, and hang them from the ceiling using the string.
Witch Candy Dish
Take an old pair of shoes you don’t use anymore, spray them with black glitter and fill them with candy. You can tell everyone you captured the shoes from the Wicked Witch of the West!
Front Door Mummy
If a simple sign just isn’t cutting it for you – tape white paper streamers to the front of your door and then add some eyes cut out of paper. Hopefully, it doesn’t scare off all the trick-or-treaters though!
Fishnet Lantern
Make classy lanterns to hols tealight candles by using old jam jars and patterned tights. Here’s a step-by-step DIY guide to making these candle jars that I shared on my blog last year.
Phantom Presence
This is one of the eeriest décor pieces yet. Take a vintage mirror – maybe from a car boot sale – then grab some frosted window film, too. Draw a figure on the back of the film, cut out the silhouette and apply it to the mirror. Be sure to smooth it out as you go.
Hovering Candles
This is another easy décor idea! Simply grab some thin white candlesticks and hang them from the ceiling using clear string. It gives the effect they are floating in thin air. Creepy, right?
Spider Web Galore
Grab a few large black bin bags and cut out spider web designs. Then hang them inside around your windows for some creepy, crawly party décor.
Spooky Wreath
Watch out, this will make you feel like somebody is always watching you. Grab a Christmas wreath and spray paint it all black. Then, if you want to go a step further, attach plastic eyeballs (which can be made from table tennis balls) all over the front of the wreath using a hot glue gun.
Which Halloween decorating idea can you just not wait to try? For me, I think it would have to be the last one – googley eyes are such fun! Let me know your favourite in the comments and please share any other ideas for low-cost decorations you have too.
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