Shhh, don’t tell my husband about this blog post! I wanted to share these personalised goodies with you in case you thought they’d be a good gift idea for your other half too, but I’m risking spoiling the surprise by doing so. I’ve told my husband that he’s banned from looking at my blog until after Christmas, but I also need your help to keep it a secret! Here’s some of the gifts I’ve picked up for my husband this year, and I hope they’ll help you get your gift list in order too…
When I saw that it was possible to get a personalised Toblerone, there was no stopping me! Prezzybox sent me a ‘Cassiefairy’ Toblerone for my birthday and word’s can’t express how excited I was when I realised that my favourite chocolate bar had MY name on it! I know it’s a tradition in many people’s homes to have a Toblerone at this time of year, so why not personalise it with your surname to share amongst the family? Or you could really surprise someone by popping one with their name on into their Christmas stocking!

Hubby, if you’re reading this, seriously – STOP NOW!
Our family and friends love to get together for regular games nights. We each bring board games and enjoy a low-cost evening in. It usually gets pretty rowdy! So, a new game was top of my gift list for my husband. He’s got a great memory for facts so I’m sure he’ll enjoy this Guinness World Records board game. It’s not just about answering questions though; this game contains challenges such as spoon balancing, wearing the most socks and flipping water bottles, and you can compete to smash each other’s record! Sounds fun, doesn’t it?

We’ve recently DIYed a couple of cocktail cabinets – one glitzy mid-century cocktail cabinet for festive parties and one outdoor bar made from pallets – so we’ve also been collecting new accessories. We’ve added a cocktail shaker and barware kit. Seeing as my husband is a whisky fan and loves reading whisky reviews and trying new varieties, I thought that a couple of whisky tumblers would be a great addition to the indoor cocktail cabinet.
But I didn’t want to get just any glasses for my husband, so I hopped onto the Dartington Crystal website. I chose some traditional dimple glasses and asked for them to be personalised with our initials to create a his ‘n’ hers set. You can get any text engraved onto most of their glasses from 30p per letter so you can add any message you like to personalise this Christmas gift.

I personally LOVE receiving books at Christmas. There’s nothing better than ending Christmas day with a pile of publications to look forward to reading throughout 2019. So I thought I better return the favour and treat my husband to some books too. But which ones would he like? With the personalised glasses above in mind, I decided that The Home Bar by Henry Jeffreys and Alexandre Ricard would be a great place to start. The book not only provides drinks recipes from professional bartenders, it’s also a source of inspiration for building a home bar, stocking it, choosing equipment and serving with style. Sounds ideal for my husband, doesn’t it?

I also chose another book that sounded ideal for my artist husband. Conscious Creativity by Philippa Stanton is packed with creative exercises and practical ideas to get your creative juice flowing. Seeing as January and February are such dark, dismal months, it’ll be lovely to get inspiration from the gorgeous photos and creative practice tips in this book. It might just be the spark needed to get us both back to our artistic endeavours in the new year.

I really don’t want my husband to see the next gift on my list because I know he’ll love it! We recently picked up an old games console from a charity shop. My husband loved being transported back to his childhood and I’ve enjoyed having the odd game too. But those vintage graphics are a bit jarring! So I’ve decided to get the ‘modern’ version – this Sega smartphone controller. You can download all your favourite classic games for free and play them on your smart device. I’m pretty sure he’s going to love this one! I mean, who doesn’t enjoy feeling like a kid again, eh?

Finally, I wanted to get something to encourage my husband to get his home office in order. You see, he’s just about to build a workshop and will definitely need to add some storage solutions to the space. So this present is practical as well as being super cool. Remember peg boards from your childhood? I found this cool scandi-style pegboard with rounded corners and accessories from Red Candy and I knew it would be ideal for my office. I mean, HIS office, obviously! The wood grain gives it a ‘man shed’ vibe and he’ll enjoy having the flexibility to move the bulldog clips, shelf and hanging rail around on the peg board to get his desk organised. Unless I nab it for myself first..!

What have you got for your other half this Christmas? Please share your ideas in the comments below and let me know if you get any of these gifts for your husband too 🙂
Some items in this blog post have been gifted to me and the pink links indicate a gifted product, affiliate link or information source. All thoughts and opinions in this post are based on my own experience and I am not responsible for your experience 🙂