Everyone should go to London at least once in their lifetime. If the family can come along too, the more the merrier! There’s something here for everyone, with a range of activities and landmarks to enjoy. Still, the city has a reputation for being preposterously expensive in just about every way. Property, travel, and even buying a sandwich all take a considerable financial toll in the capital. In the end, most people would agree that London is simply too demanding on people’s wallets. What if there was a way to have a more affordable experience? Here are 3 affordable ways to visit London with your family…

The sooner you book, the better. Train tickets to London can be extremely costly on the day of travel and land upwards of the £100 region. However, if you pick these tickets up months in advance, a significant sum of money can be saved that can sometimes more than halve this ludicrous fee. Off-peak train tickets may well be cheaper too!

When you’ve decided you and your family want to pay London a visit, plan a few months ahead of time and let the anticipation build. You’ll also have more time to research discounts in other areas too, such as the highly popular landmarks and the London river cruise with incredible entertainment and dining opportunities. Plan early, and most of your costs in travel and tourism will be greatly reduced.
A lot of London theatre is very expensive, particularly in the West End. However, you’ll find that matinee (around lunch time) performances have far cheaper tickets for you and your family to snatch up, so if you’re keen to see your favourite stars work their magic live, you now know what times to aim for!

There’s also the fact that many theatres today are undergoing individual initiatives to make things more accessible and affordable. Certain venues will lower ticket prices for certain seats here and there, and some are even baby friendly on occasion too! A lot of the pomposity and expense around theatre is being chipped away and there’s still a way to go, but if you get your timing right, you can score a more affordable theatre trip for the whole family.
Museums in many cities put prices on admissions and exhibitions. It’s a shame, because this then limits the number of people who can gain access and prices them out of a wonderful experience. Thankfully, London takes the higher road here by comparison, and many of the museums are suitable for all ages – perfect for a family day out.

Many of the popular museums in London have completely free entry. This means you and your family can simply stroll up on the day, and so long as your visit falls in line with opening hours, you can go right on through and experience everything the place has to offer. The National Gallery, The Science Museum, The British Museum and The Natural History Museum all provide free entry, among others.

For much of the stigma around London expense, there’s a lot of wiggle room for a great and affordable time in the capital. Take your time and plan extensively, and you’ll be able to find great bargains on even the most wonderful experiences London has to offer. There really is something for the whole family here, and not all of it will put you in financial ruin! Let me know your tips for an affordable day out in the capital in the comments below 🙂

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