Hello and happy Christmas eve! Just a quick blog post today because I have lots of gift wrapping and cooking to be getting on with but I wanted to show you a couple of snaps of my festive bedroom.Mum treated us to this reindeer Christmas bedding (I think it was from B&M) and I really love the seasonal pattern. It’s inspired a whole festive theme for the room, including a small stag-print heart decoration that we bought at a village fair earlier this month and a candle in a similar design. I’ve hung my letter to Father Christmas on the bed and we even have our morning cuppas in matching reindeer mugs (another gift from mum!).
Please excuse the quality of the photos, I just snapped them with my phone so I don’t know how they’ll turn out on the blog, but I just wanted to give you a glimpse of our festive home and to wish you all a very merry Christmas before I sign off for the holidays. I hope you have a good one, and don’t forget to track Santa on the NORAD website – he’s already on his way!
Loadsa love & big Christmas hugs xxx
2 responses
Merry Christmas Pili! 🙂
oh my god, this looks so cute! Love the Christmas decorations!
Merry Christmas