
Map geek – Globes around the house

How to use globes in your home decor to create an exotic wanderlust vibe in your interior...

Globetrotter sounds so cool. How come there’s no such thing as a map-trotter? Sounds a bit piggy doesn’t it?? Anyway, as well as taking a keen interest in maps (so much so that I started this regular blog feature!) I also love globes.

As much as I enjoy studying a world map, terrestrial globes are the only ‘true’ world maps as they show the earth as it really is, without distortion of land mass or distance so it’s an accurate way to learn about the surface of the planet. Even the 23.5 degree tilt of a globe’s holder ensures that the earth is being rotated on the same axis as in ‘real life’ in relation to the sun. Great educational stuff!

This is probably what makes them so popular for children’s bedrooms, and there are hundreds of globe lamps and nightlights available to illuminate the rooms of youngsters. Not only are they educational, but they also look pretty cool to young eyes, who are often fascinated by the solar system, planets and stars.

image credit ThreeSonsFarmhouse

It comes as no surprise then that I found plenty of examples of globes in interior design when I was trawling Pinterest this week, looking for more examples to add to my ‘Map Love’ board. There were children’s bedrooms galore, along with offices and living spaces proudly displaying the owner’s collections.

It seems like globes are a far more collectable than maps. Although I have a huge stash of maps, they are stored on bookshelves and in boxes, and not grouped together in a display like these globes. If they were, it would look more like wallpaper than a curated collection so that’s why I believe that globes are a more popular cartography collectable. Heck, even I want a wall full of globes after seeing these inspiring interiors.

image source

Of course, the ideal backdrop to a globe collection is a map on the wall, and this loft apartment has got it just right – that’s the home for me! Often globes are confined to the office and can be found on the desks of teenage students everywhere, and even though can be very useful in a learning or working environment, I think they look equally great as interior design features anywhere in the home.

image source ThreeSonsFarmhouse

I’d love to grow a collection of globes and display them pride of place in my living room. Let me know if you too are a fan of globes and whether you have started a collection already? Where would you keep your globes – hidden away or on display? Let me know by leaving me a comment or tweet me for a chat @Cassiefairy.

4 Responses

  1. Ooh wooden dice? Very cool, look forward to seeing a photo of it on your Instagram!

  2. I’ve been looking for one like that too Stevie, but I’d like it to be a retro one (like the actual one from childhood!) rather than a modern version, fingers crossed I’ll stumble upon one one day 🙂

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Cassie is a freelance writer with a Masters degree in Lifestyle Promotion Studies and is trained in Personal Money Management. She loves to ‘get the look for less’ so regularly shares thrifty-living advice, DIY interior design ideas and low-cost recipes on her blog.

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