It’s the age-old question: knee-high or ankle? Which type of boots do you prefer? If you only had the money to buy one pair of boots to last you forever, which would you choose? Come on, no sitting on the fence: these boots were made for walking, so which pair will it be? To tell you the truth, I’m undecided. Which is precisely why I decided to compare the two today, and to hopefully find out which is the ‘ultimate’ length for a pair of classic black boots.Test 1 – Wearing with dresses
It really depends what kind of look you’re going for however I tend to lean towards knee-high boots in this test. They made legs look slimmer and make small feet look bigger, thereby balancing out your hips. They can be worn with or without tights and can either make casual dresses look dressier, or formal dresses look more relaxed. I just prefer having my calves covered when wearing a skirt with a pair of flat boots: I feel like I look less ‘stumpy’ with knee-highs compared to a flat pair of ankle boots. Even so, ankle boots will work with dresses too – 90s grunge and the look I call ‘blogger chic’ relies heavily on ankle boots with skirts. Remember Doc Martens, 40 denier tights and button-up floral dresses? And that was just me last year..! Hoho I jest of course – that was my favourite 90s look – but I still hanker after it even now at my age. Ankle boots and tights are a rebellious combo. In fact, thinking about it, knee-high boots are rather rebellious too. Argh, it’s a tough one to call.
Knee-high boots from Online Avenue
Test 2 – Wearing with trousers
Of course, if we’re talking ‘normal’ width trousers, ankle boots will come out on top every time. You can go tucking a standard pair of trousers into knee-high boots: it’ll look like you’re wearing pantaloons. That is unless Puss-In-Boots is your style icon. In this case, ankle boots are a must for wearing beneath trousers, and are especially good with a heel that gives you extra height and allows your trouser leg to hang properly. However, if we’re talking skinny jeans, knee-high boots quickly gain the lead. Again, ‘blogger chic’ means that skinny jeans can be tucked into ankle boots (with a heel preferably), but I’m sure we can all agree that skinny jeans tucked into knee-high boots is a timeless look, can’t we? Again, they take your casual jeans and turn them into something that’s suitable for wearing on a night out. Which takes us nicely onto test 3…
Dolcis ankle boots from Wynsors
Test 3 – Wearing on nights out
I’m going to go for knee-high boots again here. As we’ve already discussed, and high-heeled knee-high boot makes most outfits look dressier, so for a night on the town these are going to be the best bet. Plus, you can probably get away with wearing a slightly less-high heel and still look glammed-up while being able to dance all night and walk home pain free. An evening pair of ankle boots needs to be super-high heeled to achieve the glam-factor, while flat ankle boots look a little too casual and you may even hear ‘you’re not coming in with those shoes on’ from bouncers. Okay, that’s probably an exaggeration but you know what I mean.
Test 4 – Wearing on days out
In this instance, I think that knee-high boots look too dressy for daytime wear. Flat knee-high boots are great for strolling through the countryside in a pair of Jodhpurs or skinny jeans but as soon as you add a heel you start to look a little bit like you’re doing the a walk of shame. This is probably because it’s hard not to associate high-heeled boots with Julia Roberts in Pretty Woman. So ankle boots are a winner when you want to look casual and not too ‘try-hard’.
Test 5 – Which do you prefer?
And the final test is you telling which pair of boots you prefer. Leave me a comment below and tell me which length you personally enjoy wearing the most and what you would spend your hard-earned cash on if you only had to buy one pair of boots? I honestly can’t make up my mind yet, so I welcome the discussion! Please let me know if you can think of any other occasions that you’d choose one style over the other, I’d love to hear your ideas so please tweet me @Cassiefairy or leave me a comment.
Some items in this blog post have been gifted to me and the pink links indicate a gifted product, affiliate link or information source. All thoughts and opinions in this post are based on my own experience and I am not responsible for your experience 🙂