Here’s a helpful guest post by Victoria from Apartment Number 4, while I’m taking a little break. I hope this’ll help you to discover some new accounts to follow on Instagram and provide an endless source of photographic inspiration. And don’t forget to follow Victoria’s gorgeous Instagram account too @victoria_aptno4 – Enjoy!Although it’s still a toss-up between Pinterest and Instagram as my favourite social media tool to use, I definitely think Insta’s becoming a daily source of inspiration for me. From gorgeous interiors, to the perfect mirror selfie, there are so many ‘grammers killing it right now with their themed feeds. Today I wanted to share five stylish women who inspire me with their perfectly shot Insta’ feeds. Pictured below is pastel beauty Alyssa Garrison of Random Acts of Pastel. Without being massively “girly” in day-to-day life, I’m still a huge fan of anything pink, especially in interiors. This Instagrammer manages to capture those bright candy moments perfectly. I need those lip prints along her staircase! Every time I see a Random Act of Pastel picture, it always manages to brighten my morning up. You can follow Alyssa over at @RandomActsOfPastel.
I know some people have strong views about Instagram losing it’s original feel of “shot this with my phone and uploaded it within 30 seconds” reality, but I’m all about aesthetics so couldn’t care less if someone is just showing me the best part of their life. I do exactly the same. Why would I show my bin overflowing and the crap beans and toast I had for dinner? I want to show the pretty mint lamp I just bought, styled perfectly in a place where it’s actually not going to stay because it’s not practical in real life!
Next we have the effortless Carly Cristman. I discovered Carly only recently through Youtube, after I used up all my months data allowance by watching all her videos in one sitting! Not only has she got amazing style, she’s also downright funny. Damn that girl. Her Instagram photos are monochrome and minimalism at its best. If there was ever a reason to appreciate a colour co-ordinated feed, then this is most certainly is it. You can follow Carly on Intagram at @CarlyCristman. Above we have the amazing Bri Emery from Design Love Fest. Bri is one of my all-time favourite bloggers and her Instagram feed doesn’t disappoint. It’s a delicious mix of bold colours, bohemian design and is packed full of interior inspiration. You can follow Bri over at @DesignLoveFest.
UK life and style blogger, Amanda Start, is actually someone I discovered through conversation on Twitter and it wasn’t until just recently that I found her Instagram. I’m so glad I did. Calling herself the “cashmere coveter, coffee consumer and lover of monochrome”, her Instagram feed shares a sophisticated snapshot of her life. It contains plenty of accessory ‘grams to swoon over, the odd cacti and of course, plenty of morning coffee. You can follow Amanda right here @OnlineStylist.
Finally we have someone I can honestly call a complete inspiration – blogger, author, TV personality and interior designer, Emily Henderson. For someone like myself, who is borderline obsessive about interiors, this instagram gives me an insight into the real life of someone I admire so much. I get so many ideas from Emily’s daily pics, whether its creating the perfect shelfie, or seeing the latest piece of mid-century furniture she’s bought. If you love amazing interiors too, then follow Emily right here @Em_Henderson.
I hope you’ve enjoyed this post and let me know if you discovered any new Instagram loves here.