
It’s not often that I treat myself to a magazine…

In truth, I hardly ever get time to read them. I was given a copy of Company magazine before it was released when I attended the blogger awards at the end of May but I still haven’t got round to reading it yet. My friends and family pass on the magazines they have finished with, so I have an optimistic little pile of things to look at, but I can’t seem to sit still for long enough to have a proper read.

Cassiefairy lifestyle and craft blog review of Molly Makes issue 29

So this month I have decided to make a little more time for myself and have invested in issue twenty-nine of Mollie Makes. As I flicked through it in the shop, I was actually about to put it back on the magazine rack (for the reasons above, no offence to the magazine intended at all) when a page caught my eye. It was this tutorial for an American quilt and I have been collecting scraps of fabric to make this exact type of quilt all year, so that sold it to me and I handed over my cash there and then.

Cassiefairy lifestyle and craft blog review of Molly Makes issue 29 2013

I’m also pleased with the little giveaway project on the front of the magazine – something else that I will need to sit still and concentrate on this month! I’m suitably impressed that a needle and thread is even included in this little fishy keyring kit, so there really is no excuse for not doing it. I will let you know how I get on… and now I’ve promised that, I’ll actually have to do it!

So, tell me, what do like to read when you get a spare moment to yourself? Do you subscribe to any magazines? Any recommendations for me to try next month? Leave me a comment below or tweet me @CassiefairyTutu 😀

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5 responses

  1. Very wise words! And I’ve got the summer holidays stretching out ahread of me, so hopefully I’ll get some projects started then! 🙂

  2. I thought I was the only one who did that! (Pinning things I want to make and then never looking at my boards.). As long as I keep making things (and you too) that’s all that matters. There’s no race.

  3. Oooh I will check out Cloth, Paper, Scissors – it sounds right up my street! I agree, there’s so much excellent content online, and I’m forever pinning things on Pinterest, but never quite get round to looking at them again – must do better! I will definitely share my quilt on the blog once it’s done but (seeing as I can’t even manage to flick through a magazine!) it may take some time! I did actually sit down and sew the Mollie Makes fish project this evening, so that’s a step in the right direction! 😀

  4. Beautiful quilt! I can see why it caught your eye (and I can’t wait to see yours). I used to subscribe to Cloth, Paper, Scissors. So many amazing projects and tutorials. I feel bad getting paper versions of things, though, when there’s so much stuff on the Internet. I do splurge every so often but make sure I use a lion’s share of it to upcycle into collages (and then recycle the rest).

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Cassie is a freelance writer with a Masters degree in Lifestyle Promotion Studies and is trained in Personal Money Management. She loves to ‘get the look for less’ so regularly shares thrifty-living advice, DIY interior design ideas and low-cost recipes on her blog.

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