November is here and you know what that means. Not only is the countryside is looking particularly glorious with golden leaves and harvest fruits on the trees, but it also means that Christmas is on its way! Which you can probably guess from my festive blog posts last month is something I’m already particularly excited about. November is a great month; the days are bright and fresh, bonfire night is coming soon, and it the slightly cooler weather makes me want to snuggle up in the evenings with something good to read. That’s the reason I’ve compiled this blog post about my favourite publications and am launching a lovely giveaway to win a copy of the newly published ‘Swing Dance’ vintage culture book – so please read on!I was lucky enough to get my hands on the new issue of LandLust magazine at the weekend. If you’ve not yet heard about LandLust I’m not surprised; I hadn’t either when I first started researching the publication last month, but I’m so pleased that I’ve discovered it now. The magazine first launched in Germany 10 years ago and now has over a million readers there. Building on this success the magazine is about to launch in the UK too.
Much like my regular favourite mag (which I’ll tell you a little more about in a minute!) this publication focuses on country life, cooking, crafts, gardening and much more. With thrifty articles on making homemade piping bags, low-cost Christmas decorations and DIY ‘scrap-wood’ shelf projects it’s no wonder that I’ve been intently pouring over every page since it arrived. It’s hitting the shops on 5th of November so be sure to pick one up or visit for more information on this new title.
I’ve been excited about checking out the newly published ‘Swing Dance’ book since it hit the shelves back in mid-September. Last week I finally got my hands on a copy and couldn’t wait to sit down with a cup of tea and enjoy browsing the vintage-inspired pages. Written by Scott Cupit, founder of the world’s largest swing dance school ‘Swing Patrol’, the book is an insight into the world of contemporary swing dance and, as you may have noticed from my various blog posts on the subject, this is something I am really keen on learning more about.
The book explores the most popular swing dance styles including the Charleston, Lindy Hop, Collegiate Shag and Balboa and offers a step-by-step guide to perfecting the dances. It also focuses on the associated vintage culture of each style including the music, hairstyles, fashion, make-up and history of each dance, so it’s not just about learning the steps!
Seeing as its Tuesday Shoesday I couldn’t resist sharing some photos of the gorgeous vintage footwear page within the book. I’d love a pair of gold dancing shoes like these – they look so comfortable and glamorous! Both Hubby and I have a few pairs of brogues in our wardrobe and I love wearing them for dancing lindy hop; they make jumping and kicking so much easier than when I’m tottering around in heels!
If you would like to win a copy of this gorgeous new book – great for anyone interested in vintage culture, fashion, beauty or dance – I have two to give away to my wonderful blog readers. Enter via the Rafflecopter widget at the bottom of this blog post for your chance to win a copy of this brand new publication.
And last, but not least, is my favourite magazine of all time. The November issue of The Simple Things has just dropped onto my doormat and it’s the perfect way to take a proper break at lunchtime or to wind-down in the evenings. Even the smooth feel of the pages calms me down and makes me relax, while the gorgeous photos that illustrate every article are a pleasure to behold. I first discovered the magazine by chance when browsing in an unfamiliar WHSmith and have since ordered a copy online every month to make sure I don’t miss out on it. Plus, I’ve bought up a lot of the back issues from their shop too – what a stalker! I haven’t yet subscribed because I’m hoping that someone in my family will take this hint and treat me to it for my birthday or Christmas. Plus, I kind of like shopping for a copy each month and adding an extra back issue to my online order as a treat! If you haven’t already read this publication I cannot recommend it highly enough to you – I wish they would sponsor me or something because it would be easy to sing the praises of this lovely magazine- well I’m doing it now anyway I guess!
Without any further stalling, here are the details of the giveaway. Two copies of ‘Swing Dance’ are up for grabs and will be delivered to two lucky competition winners, chosen at random via Rafflecopter. This giveaway is open to UK residents only and they will be contacted via email after the competition closes on 15th November 2015. Winners will be required to supply a delivery address via email and copies of the book will be sent direct from the publisher. There are plenty of chances to gain entries via the Rafflecopter widget below so best of luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Some items in this blog post have been gifted to me and the pink links indicate a gifted product, affiliate link or information source. All thoughts and opinions in this post are based on my own experience and I am not responsible for your experience 🙂
One Response
Amazing giveaway, I’d love to own this book!