I’m SO excited to tell you the wonderful news that my thrifty little lifestyle blog has just been announced as the winner of the Best Homes and Interiors Blogger Award 2017!! I still can’t really believe it and I’m grinning like the cheshire cat right now!The news has just been shared by the award sponsor Tile Trader and it’s already made the headlines on the East Anglian Daily Times website – here’s a screen shot and link to the article if you’d like to have a read.
Thank you all for voting for my blog in the competition, I really appreciate you taking the time to support me and it’s all for a fantastic cause – the prize is a donation of £200 to a homelessness charity in the winner’s local area. I’m delighted to be able to use my little blog to boost the funds of a brand new support service in Suffolk “The Bus Shelter”.
The charity is currently renovating a donated double-decker bus to turn it into a safe space for rough sleepers to stay. But ‘sleep is just the beginning’ (the charity’s motto) as the bus will also offer advice, cooking and washing facilities, and ongoing support. It’s a truly inspirational charity and the project is in progress right now so please get involved if you can – all donations really do make a difference and will help to get The Bus Shelter on the road sooner. You can read more and donate on their Facebook page here.
Thank you all once again for voting for my blog – it’s made a huge difference to a local charity as well as made me indescribably happy! I’m super excited that I also receive a commemorative plaque for the award to put on the mantlepiece woo, can’t wait for that to arrive in the post – I’ll be sure to share a photo of it on Instagram @cassiefairy when it’s delivered. Thank you for continuing to support me and helping to put Suffolk blogs on the map in this national award competition 🙂
10 responses
Yaay thank you so much Elanor, I still can’t believe it! x
Aw thank you Gareth, I’m so pleased to be able to help – knowing that the prize would go to your project motivated me to campaign more and try my hardest to win! Very best of luck with it all, I hope to spread the word far and wide to get even more support for The Bus Shelter Ipswich 🙂
Woooo thanks very much Lisa, and thanks a million for supporting me!
Thanks so much Lucy, I’m really chuffed to be able to help this fab local project 🙂
Eeeeeeeeee thanks so much Laura, I’m still doing a big cheesy grin all the time! Can’t wait for the award itself to arrive at this end eeeek! 😀
AMMMAAAAAAZING!!! I knew you would!!! Congrats babe!!!! Laura xxx
Congratulations and what a super cause to support. I’m always extra delighted when smaller causes are acknowledged, all need our help and support but bigger ones can overshadow little ones. So good on you for turning the light on for this one. Lucy
Way to go Cassie!!
Thankyou Cassie from The Bus Shelter Ipswich. We are overwhelmed to receive your donation and just as importantly your support.
Congratulations…..very well deserved!