The Hero Project is a skincare brand that I’ve only just discovered. Of course, I’ve heard a lot of murmurings about this collection from the blogosphere but I’ve never tried it for myself until this month. I’ve been testing out the Glow Drops and Hyasoft moisturiser so I wanted to share a quick review of these two products with you today.Hero products are all made here in the UK and are entirely cruelty-free. All good so far, eh? The ingredients of all products in The Hero project are vegetarian and vegan-friendly and completely free from parabens, sulphates and phthalates. Boom! There seems to be no reason not to like this brand, in my opinion. So let’s see how the products perform…
The first product I was bursting to try was the Glow Drops Dry Touch Facial Oil + Vitamin C. I’d heard so many good things about this product and my skin in definitely in need of a boost. I mean, who doesn’t want to look more radiant? Of course, when I read the words ‘facial oil’ I assumed that I’d end up with an oil slick on my face, but the phrase ‘dry touch’ was reassuring. I’m glad I gave it a go and here why:
For starters, the product smells good. It reminds me of the boiled sweets I used to have as a child. I love putting this on my face, just for the sweet scent alone. And when it goes onto the skin, the oil simply melts in. There’s no lingering greasiness and it has no effect on my usual makeup whatsoever. No melting foundation or power clinging to moist patches, and that’s because the oil is absorbed really quickly and only leaves behind a delicate glow on the skin. No residue at all.The product contains ten essential oils, is made up of 98% natural ingredients and has a boost of Vitamin C in every drop which helps to soothe and nourish the skin. I’ve recently realised that I’ve got combination skin, it’s so dry in places yet prone to break outs in other areas. So I’m always unsure about using a new product and kind of expect my skin to react until it gets used to a new product. However, this time there was no ‘adjustment period’ and no breakouts. Bonus!
The second product I tested was Hyasoft Instant Moisture Boost. It contains Vitamin B5 to lock moisture in the skin. It can be used over the top of the Glow Drops and under foundation, but I prefer to use it in the evening. There’s only one reason why I probably won’t be using this product as my daily moisturiser and that’s because it doesn’t contained an SPF. If it DID, it would be my dream skincare product. With my super-pale freckly skin, I need at least a factor 30 on my face before I step outside so I’ll stick to using this gel under an SPF cream or in the evening to refresh my skin at the end of the day. By the way, The Hero Project say that it’s fine to use this gel under an SPF.
At the moment, you can only buy these products via Amazon, QVC (the home shopping channel) or on website. This worried me at first, because how do you know that you’re going to like the product if you can’t see and try it ‘in real life’ before you make that investment? The good news with this brand is that they have a 30 day guarantee so that you can try the product and if you don’t like it, they’re happy for you to send it back for a refund. I found that reassuring because why would they offer this guarantee if they weren’t really confident that their products are great, eh?
Let me know if you’ve tried these products and what you think of The Hero Project brand by leaving me a comment below. And just so you’re well-informed, I was sent these products to try out by The Hero Project but I wasn’t paid to review them, and this is my honest opinion of the collection. Of course, it’s based on my own experiences of using the product and they might work differently for you, who knows? At least the guarantee means you can try it out for yourself 🙂
Some items in this blog post have been gifted to me and the pink links indicate a gifted product, affiliate link or information source. All thoughts and opinions in this post are based on my own experience and I am not responsible for your experience 🙂