So how can you achieve your health and happiness goals when everything seems to be conspiring against you this month? Here’s a few ideas:
You can’t get anywhere quickly if you don’t have a good night’s sleep. No matter what your goals for the new year, a tired, unrested mind and body will be reluctant to cooperate with you the following day. There’s a great guide to getting better sleep on the Sleepdia.org website and, if you need to sort out new pillows, a topper or even a mattress to help you get that rest, so be it. Sleeping a good 7-8 hours is the kind of rest you need to get your day off to a great start. You’ll be full of energy and able to tackle whatever your goals are for the day, week, month and year.
I’m not suggesting that you invest in a gym membership or buy any new workout equipment, I just mean that you could start working a little activity into your day. Do you have a bike rusting away in the garage? If so, get it out, check it over, pump up those tyres and hit the road! If not, I’m sure you have a pair of trainers and could head out for a brisk walk with a friend. It’s cliche, but really do take the stairs! And make sure you get outside during your lunch break. This’ll allow you to get some daylight too, which can help combat Seasonal Affective Disorder at this time of year. To keep you on track, join in with a campaign such as the Fabletics #21daysofme challenge. You can start at any time and they’ve got free workouts, recipes and more to help you bring out your best self in 2018.
To yourself, I mean. Listen to your body and mind, and when it’s telling you to slow down, actually do stop. You might have a pile of work to do, or places to be, or chores to carry out, but if you bust a gut trying to do everything, you’ll wear yourself out. And, inevitably, more tasks will arrive in their place, so you won’t feel like you’ve got anywhere. It’s much better to pace yourself and spread out your daily tasks and weekly projects so that you can actually have time for yourself. This is especially important if you’re feeling under the weather. That sniffle will only get worse if you don’t rest and recover.
Now that you’ve got some time for yourself, don’t just sit in front of the TV. Unless that’s how you rest best, of course! But you could use that spare time to reconnect with friends. Just a quick message to see how your buddies are and check in on their lives, families and work is a great way to feel better. It’ll remind you just how many friends you have that you can turn to. And you can support your pals too. Go on, make someone else happy and it’ll make you happy too!
Let me know how you plan to take care of yourself this winter by leaving me a comment below. I hope that these ideas will help if you’re struggling through January – and don’t forget that you’re not alone, I’m always free to chat so find me on Twitter or Instagram @Cassiefairy.
This article is a sponsored collaboration. The pink links in the content indicate a sponsored link or information source. The blog post reflects my own experience and the sponsor hasn’t had any control over my content 🙂