A couple of Fridays ago I shared my first attempt at making cake-pops with you and I hope you’ve since had a go at making them for yourselves. I did the stick-two-halves-together method of cake-pop making, using a silicone cake-pop tray from Dunelm Mill. If you remember, I had to trim off the tops of the sponge to make two cake halves to stick together to make each pop. I made cheeky milk chocolate ones last week, and now here’s the white chocolate and vanilla sponge version of the cake pops – yummy:
As you know, I hate waste, and those little sponge trimming weren’t going in the bin, oh no, they were going in my tummy! But when I saw their cute size and half-dome shape, I was reminded of the old-school Jazzles (sometimes called Jazzies too) chocolate sweets from my childhood. I’m sure that you can still buy them nowadays too – do you remember them? They are the little chocolate discs with sprinkles on. So good…
So I set about making these little ‘waste’ discs of sponge into DIY Jazzles by dipping them in white and milk chocolate before coating them in rainbow-coloured sprinkles. I left them to set in the fridge for a while and then enjoyed them with a cup of tea – just the perfect size to nibble on without having to commit to eating a whole cake!
There are plenty more yummy baking recipes in my FREE Pieday Friday recipe book – No longer will you have to search through my archives to find your favourite recipe – it’s all there in the book, and it not only contains pie recipes, but all of my favourites including soups and snacks, sweet treats and main meals! I want to give something back to my lovely readers so I’ve published it as a free PDF e-book as a ‘thank you’ for sticking with me all this time soooo… Preview the entire E-Book here and email me cassie@cassiefairy.co.uk and I will send you the PDF e-book directly to your inbox, completely free for you to download!
PS – Today is the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning, raising funds for Macmillan Cancer Support so if you can’t get along to one of the fabulous coffee morning events around the country (check the map here), then why not just donate the cost of a cup of coffee to the charity anyway?? It’s easy to do using their secure online donation form and you can enter any donation amount you like. So I’ve just made my coffee-and-cake donation and am enjoying a little tea-break at my desk! (I’ve included the Macmillan YouTube video below, so have a watch while you’re having your solo coffee-morning!)
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