After reading Lisa Mora’s new publication Vintage Caravan Style (which I reviewed here) I’ve been thoroughly inspired to crack on with my little vintage caravan makeover project. I’d allowed the caravan to enjoy a quiet winter while I stayed indoors in the warm and didn’t really do much work on the project but now I’m feeling optimistic about the makeover and am bursting to get on with it. It definitely helps that the weather is warm and sunny, which always makes me want to hang around outside more anyway, and what better excuse to head outdoors than to be doing a little work on my caravan project. So before I get stuck into a new wave of projects (which will no doubt end up on the blog!) I wanted to share photos and links to the previous blog posts (in pink below) and projects I’ve already finished so that you can get an idea of my starting point for this year’s work.
Read about how I found my vintage caravan and my ideas for using it as an office in my first blog post of the series.
I kicked off the project with a complete clear out and found out just what was wrong with my caravan – read this post here.
The first big painting task was the exterior of my caravan and I chose a bright new colour – read my painting blog post here.
Next up was choosing a combination of ice cream colours for the interior of the caravan to freshen it up. Here’s me looking very glamorous in hubby’s boiler suit!
I decided to decorate a ‘feature wall’ with a patchwork of pastel prints and here’s how I did it.
I kept some of the existing woodwork but wanted a fresh new look so got out the paint and spent some time sprucing up the woodwork. The floor was next on the agenda and I made the difficult decision between carpet and lino – here’s the post.
I soon found out that some of the windows were a little leaky so I enlisted hubby’s help to replace the window trims.
One of the most exciting parts of the project so far was sewing the seat pad covers to give them a new lease of life.
With only a small table in the caravan I needed to cover a piece of wood with oilcloth to create a work surface and the base for the bed.
With a new table ready to work on I was able to sew my first project inside my new caravan workshop.
I carried on sewing and ran up a pair of curtains and some roman blinds for the caravan – read the sewing post here.
At this point the project stalled a little as the nights became longer and the temperatures dropped, so all I managed to do in the caravan during the winter was make pom-pom decorations and party cones for my birthday. I hosted my little birthday party in my vintage caravan and here’s how it turned out.
The snow stopped play and I never really got started on the project again – until now!!
It was Lisa’s Vintage Caravan Style book that inspired me to get on with my little vintage caravan project and here’s my review of the book and interview with Lisa herself.
Wow I can’t actually believe how much I’ve already done on my caravan! It seems like a lot but actually there’s still plenty more tasks to go and I’ve got a lot to do before I can call the caravan ‘finished’. So I’ll be sharing some more photos and projects from inside the caravan over the coming weeks and I’ll let you know how I get on. Let me know what you think about my vintage caravan project and would you do it yourself? Perhaps you’ve already started a campervan or garden office project? If so, please get in touch – I’d love to share your photos and projects too! My email address is so drop me a message 🙂
14 responses
Hi Angela, how exciting that you have a caravan project to work on! We used exterior paint that’s suitable for metal from B&Q and had the blue colour mixed up. I rollered it on and it’s been fine for about 6 years now, with no flaking paint. Good luck with your makeover! 🙂
My hubby has just bought me a caravan to have as my garden / hobby room. It’s just a shell so needs kitting out. What I’m wondering is what you used to painT the exterior?
Aw thank you Mich, glad you like it! Still very much a work in progress even after all these years! x
How very cool what a great project this is. Mich x
Wow how exciting Catherine! I’d love to see how you get on with your motor home renovation so please keep in touch! 😀
Just found your lovely blog while looking for vintage caravan interiors. It’s looking lovely! We’ve just bought a motorhome and I’m hyperventilating with excitement at the prospect of kitting it out.
Thanks Jolie! Ooh another Sprite, how exciting! I’d love to see how you get on with your project so will check out your blog! Keep in touch! X
You did a great job! we just bought a Sprite caravan recently and are working on restoring it as well! you can check it out here:
good luck with the rest of it!
That’s so exciting Karen! I’d love see photos of your makeover 🙂 good luck with it all! x
I’m just getting started with mine. She’s been stripped back and now we’re ready to get going….Very exciting.
Thanks Anna! Mine was the same, just emptied it out and started from scratch! It’s getting there slowly by surely 🙂
You are very creative. I got similar caravan to your but it needed TLC as it has not been look after for over 10 years.
Thank you! 🙂
It’s great when I find so many people like caravans!