One of my best friend’s wedding is coming up this summer and for once I’ve been really organised and have decided on an outfit in advance. Do you find it difficult to pick out something to wear for weddings? I often find myself on the morning of a big occasion standing in front of my wardrobe with no clue about what to wear. Suddenly all the dresses on my shortlist seem unsuitable – they either don’t fit properly (even though they were fine the day before), need something repairing, or will wrinkle the minute I sit down. Let me know if you struggle like this too, I’m sure I can’t be the only one, can I?!
So this time I’m not leaving anything to chance and have decided to pick out a brand new dress specifically for the occasion. After a lot of trawling the high street and hours spent browsing online, I finally chose this Rosa dress from Chi Chi. It had all the elements that I look for in a wedding outfit; demure knee-length, pretty pastel colours, nipped-in waist, floral pattern, and a skirt flared enough for twirling on the dance floor!
The fabric is a thick satin-esque texture which hangs perfectly in pleats around the waist yet it doesn’t look too bridesmaid-y. The back of the neckline is slightly gathered which means that it doesn’t restrict movement at all so I’ll be able to throw some shapes on the dance floor without any trouble!
I love it and feel so smug that I’ve got myself organised a month in advance. The only thing that I’m considering now is what shoes to wear with the dress and I really could do with your help choosing.
I’ve picked out three pairs of shoes from my shoe cabinet that I think would be suitable but I just can’t decide. The first pair is a nude go-with-everything wedge from Next. I’ve had these for two years and I wore them to my own wedding anniversary party. They are comfortable enough to wear all day long but an evening on the dance floor caused a little rubbing around the toe. Also, are they delicate enough to go with this pretty dress? They seem a little clumpy with the flatform wedge sole but this does make them comfortable to wear. Hmm. The second pair are these blue beauties from New Look. I bought them in the sale because of their SATC colour and pretty silver heels but I’ve never worn them. Therefore I don’t know how well they will perform when worn all day but the colour is definitely right to pick out the blue tones in the floral pattern. I love the cute bows on the back of the shoes, and really I should give them a chance to fulfil their destiny. But can I risk developing blisters at the wedding, leaving me to limp home shoeless?
And finally, are my old trusty silver heels. I don’t even remember where I got these shoes as they have been in my wardrobe since my student days. I remember that they are comfortable for night on the dancefloor but that I usually needed to take them off on the way home, and this is an all-day event rather than just a few hours in the evening so will they stand up to a whole day of wearing? Also, does the silver really look okay with the dress or is it too different? I can’t decide.
Please let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions of other comfortable-yet-pretty shoes that I could buy please get in touch. Leave me a comment below or tweet me @Cassiefairy. Thanks!
Some items in this blog post have been gifted to me and the pink links indicate a gifted product, affiliate link or information source. All thoughts and opinions in this post are based on my own experience and I am not responsible for your experience 🙂
2 responses
Ahha the blue is proving to be a popular choice! Think I’m going to give them a try 🙂 thanks lovely x
Aww your dress is beautiful, and I think it’d go beautifully with… the blue!!! Happy shoe deciding 😀 x