The wonderful thing about blogging is that writing a blog post about a topic can lead to interesting discussions in the comments and lovely emails from readers who want to share their own story. When I wrote about Picquot Ware back in 2015, I couldn’t have imagined how many comments that post would receive and all the lovely connections I would make.

Since then, I’ve published more posts containing readers’ photos of a rare coffee percolator and the Picquot Ware guarantee and instructions that another collector sent to me via email. My blog has become a little ‘hub’ of all things Picquot Ware and I even wrote about the brand for Issue 30 of Reclaim magazine in 2018.

Recently I received an interesting email from Peter, who offered to share his tips for cleaning and renovating a Picquot Ware teapot. The ideas he shared were so handy that I’m excited to share them with you today. Plus, he sent over some images of the Picquot Ware range and price list, which I’ll share below.

Peter and his wife received their first piece of Picquot Ware for Christmas in 1958. Peter describes the teapot as “a beautiful item in every respect” and the couple used it at least three times a day for the next 45 years or so.
“I periodically cleaned the interior by putting 2 or 3 teaspoons full of washing powder into the pot, filling it with boiling water, and leaving it overnight, and sometimes repeating it the following night. It worked well but I then had to make sure that the holes in the filter at the bottom of the spout were not blocked. I did this by using a very small Phillips screwdriver, inserting the point very gently into the hole, and then giving it a quarter turn. Do not push the screwdriver right through the hole as you could cause some damage. Once you have cleared all the holes just push a small cylindrical brush down the spout, fill the pot with water then pour it out and any small loose debris will be expelled and the spout will pour as it should.”
Peter also sent me some photographs of some interesting Picquot Ware paperwork. After a holiday in Scotland in 2003/2004 Peter and his wife discovered more information about Picquot Ware thanks to the independent shops in Castle Douglas.

“Speaking to a staff member we learned that these items could be bought individually and old items could be refurbished. She gave me the telephone number of the company named Staffordshire Halloware at Walsall. After returning home I telephoned the company and asked for full details of the articles, together with a price list, and details of any shop in Lincolnshire stocking the items. I was informed that Lambs of St. Mary Street in Stamford stocked these goods. A few days later I received from the manufacturer an advertising sheet complete with a poem on the reverse side and a separate price list.”

“We then decided we would have our then current teapot refurbished by the company and travelled to Lambs at Stamford to ask them to arrange for this to be done. A few weeks later our original teapot was returned having been refurbished. It looked brand new having been cleaned, polished and fitted with new wood handles.”

“First I cleaned the inside, especially the filter holes, then, using sandpaper I cleaned all the woodwork down to the bare wood and then covered it with masking tape to protect it from the polish I was about to use on the metal. I started this task by using Silvo polish and it was pretty good but then my son brought me a tube of Autosol Metal Polish. It is made in Germany but can be purchased in the U.K. It worked like magic and gave the metal a brilliant shine, so much so that I used it on all the other pieces of Picquotware.”

“I then removed the tape protecting the woodwork but because the screws securing the wood to the metal were set in deep recesses and covered by a metal cap I decided, because of the possibility of damage, not to try to remove them. Instead, I pushed a small amount of Blue Tack onto the brass cap to protect it while applying the wood stain inside the recess. I then wiped the bare wood with white spirit and then, using a very small paint brush, I applied 3 coats of wood stain, namely Satin Antique Pine which is marketed by the company that claims “It does what it says on the tin”. It really is almost a perfect match with the original colour. Remove Blue Tack, Job Done.”
I am really grateful to Peter sharing his tips and for sending over photographs of the original Picquot Ware papaerwork. It’s so interesting to see the price list and the range of products available.

34 responses
Oh dear, I hope your teapot is salvageable. I don’t have experience of washing Picquot Ware in a dishwasher so I don’t know how to restore it – perhaps you might find the answer in the comments section of one of the other Piquot Ware articles here. Or maybe someone will have a solution and reply to your comment. I’d love to hear how you get on with cleaning it and best of luck. 🙂
I was stupid and put my teapot in the dishwasher how can I restore it?
Thanks for your message Dominique, it’s so interesting to hear about your experiments to try make a Picquot Ware kettle whistle. I’ve never owned the kettle myself so I haven’t had any experience with this, but hopefully someone else here in the comments may be able to help?
Hello, I brought a picquot from eBay about 15 years ago and use it daily, it’s beautiful and functional. My only problem is it doesn’t have a whistle and I’m getting more and more forgetful, so my poor kettle is left to blow until I finally remember. I’ve tried to find a whistle for my kettle. I brought a pricey Alessi whistle a while ago but it doesn’t fit well so doesn’t work and I brought a milk boiler that rattles when the kettle boils. I’ve had two glass ones which broke inside the kettle and a metal one that has jammed inside the kettle and is stuck firm. Has anyone else found a way to get their kettle to whistle? I’m really reluctant to replace it but it’s getting dangerous
Thank you
Hi Rob, I don’t have a teapot myself so I can’t check on this – perhaps someone else in the comments will be able to reply to your question about the filter? 🙂
The filter at the bottom of the spout in our teapot is loose. Does anyone know if they were designed to be removed to enable the spout to be cleaned more easily.
I have a very scruffy, scratched teapot – what is the best cleaning/polishing product? Also, can I get a replacement wood knob anywhere? My mum had several pieces refurbished some years ago, does anyone offer a service today?
Hi, you could try looking at online auction sites or vintage trading sites – sometimes they even turn up on Etsy. I was emailed a cleaning tip by Tim recently, who soaked his teapot in coffee machine descaler, don’t know if this would help with dishwasher stains? 🙂
My milk jug is past redemption having been put in a dishwasher.
Have used above solutions but no luck. Do you know where I might get a new one?
Hi Morag & Ronnie, you might find some tips in the comments of one of my other Picquot Ware blog posts here: or here: Good luck with cleaning it and let us know if you come up with a solution to the streaky stains 🙂
We’ve had our picquot teapot for almost 60 years, it was a wedding present and been in daily use.
The inside was badly stained and on advice given to us we used Vanish Oxy with hot water. It made a wonderful job of cleaning the inside but unfortunately the foam spilled out and has left dull streaky stains on the outside of the teapot spoiling the appearance completely. Anyone got an idea for removing the stains and bringing the shine back? We would be most grateful. Thank you..
Morag and Ronnie
Hi Elizabeth, your teapot sounds lovely on the outside! I wonder what’s caused the roughness on the inside? Maybe someone else here in the comments who has a teapot will know what to do about it? Fingers crossed someone will have the solution 🙂
I live in Canada.I bought a teapot second hand which is fine on the outside including the handle but the inside is very rough and very stained. Any ideas on how to improve it.
That’s really helpful information Derek, thanks so much for sharing your tips 🙂
At The moment I have close to 40 odd sets (about 11 with the Trays). This week I’ve bought another 4 sets, and I will be Painting some Handles/ woodwork. Orange – Metallic Purple – and Deep Red, heat resistant Paint. Paint hides many mistakes, as the old saying goes, and most of what I’ve bought, is older than myself at a young 60, (I’m a 1963 model). I wire wool, and Brasso, to bring the shine and repair some of the scratches. I’ve found Aldi Washing machine cleaner, It removes a lot of stains in the pots, but elbow grease with a wire scourer Lightly used (Via sticking a fork through the Wire wool) removes a lot of stain’s. he main restain colour is Satin Antique Pine and dark oak. If doing an polishing by hand expect at least an hour on each Item (and sore fingers) lol.
Thanks for getting in touch. Wow 46 years, your teapot has lasted well! Each of the 4 Picquot Ware articles on my website have plenty of comments below the articles, so maybe the answer to your question could be found in a previous comment? Just search ‘Picquot Ware’ in the search bar and all the articles should appear 🙂
Hi Gordon, thanks for your message. There are 4 articles on my website about Picquot Ware, each with lots of comments so maybe you could find the answer in a previous comment on one of those other articles?
Thank you for the information. I have a teapot which has a brown accumulation in the bottom. Is this rust or old tea? How would i clean the inside and is it safe to drink tea made in the pot? I have had this teapot for 46 years and love it.
Hi there, needing help sourcing a replacement handle for my teapot lid, can anyone help ?
Sadly the company Staffordshire Halloware is dissolved on 20 April 2010 :’(
Hi Charles, Thanks for your message. Hopefully someone will reply to your comment if they know where to source replacement Picquot Ware parts 🙂
We have a complete set of piquot ware which my wife received in 1963. The kettle has become discoloured and the handle burned by being boils dry. Is there some who refurbishes these items. Can we get replacement parts?
Please can someone advise where to get replacement teapot and lid handles, my father in law passed away last year and I would like to refurbish his teapot for my husband
It’s wonderful to hear that your whole family have Picquot Ware sets Judith! I agree, the teapots are lovely 🙂
I can’t remember a time when we have not had a Pucquot tea set at home, partyly because my father sold them in Kendal Milne in Manchester. I was bought one when I married as were my cousins, my children and now there are sets in storage for my grandchildren. Lovely teapots, no drips!
Hi Shirley, ooh I’ve not had to deal with rust or limescale etc on my Picquot Ware – maybe someone else here will have a suggestion and reply to this comment to help you? Or do let me know if you manage to find a solution?! 🙂
I have a tea kettle and little rust and minerals from the water. How can I remove that from the inside
Hi Meryl, so good to hear about the collection that you’ve built up over the years, glad you’re still enjoying them 🙂
My husband and I bought his mum all the items plus the tray excluding the kettle individually each year for her. birthday. We bought ourselves teapot milk jug sugar bowl and coffee pot. When she died we inherited the complete lot plus we still have our original ones. We still have them all. Love them. Not sure what. will happen to them when we die as everyone seems to have dishwashers nowadays. ❤️
How wonderful that you have a set you’re using daily Susan! You can find the original Picquot Ware cleaning instructions on my blog post here: hope this helps! 🙂
I’m absolutely fascinated by your comments and tips about Picquot ware. I had a set of teapot water jug, milk jug and sugar basin given to me by an elderly friend. We have used the set daily and it is need of some TLC. Unfortunately the teapot is badly stained inside, we have hard water, and I’d like to know if I can use a descaler on it. Any help would be gratefully received!
Thank you.
Absolutely Susan, Picquot Ware are great heirloom items! It’s wonderful to hear that your items have been in regular use for nearly 50 years 🙂
I have been a fan of Picquot Ware since the sixties when my mother and aunt bought teasets. Consequently when I married in 1971 asked for items. My in laws bought the teapot and water-jug, my brother the milk jug and sugar bowl. I did not like the tray and supplied my own. I have always admired the design of the sugar bowl and hinged lid in use daily for nearly fifty years and still going strong. I have always cleaned it successfully with metal polish. I inherited my parents set after my brother used it for twenty years, so I polished it up and gave it to my daughter in law! Picquot Ware becomes a family heirloom as it is indestructible. So readers – join the club!