According to Mind the most stressful thing in most peoples’ lives is their job. This hardly a surprise; a job is necessary, and with lots of people not feeling secure in their current employment, it is quite easy to start to become worried about losing work and needing to find more.
Even if you are pretty sure that you’re going to be staying where you are for a while, you may then start to become anxious about how you get on with your employees or whether you will be able to complete all your work on time. Deadlines, meetings, and pitches are all great ways to raise your blood pressure!
The second most common cause of stress is financial problems, which was cited by 17% of respondents. This is usually connected to work too; if you don’t have enough money, you will need to take on extra work. Dealing with work under circumstances of financial hardship is particularly difficult.
Relaxing rest
If this sounds like you, you’ll definitely be in need of de-stressing when you get home from work and should try to find a way to relax. This is easier said than done! But there are a few things that you can do that will help you. Sleep is so important for recharging your drained batteries so one of the most crucial purchases that you can make in your adult life is a mattress.
It’s estimated that people spend about a third of their life in bed so sleeping on a mattress that does not suit your body and which causes you pain is only going to exacerbate your stress levels. Investigating what is right for you and getting it from a company like Plumeria Bay is a great first step to sleeping better, feeling more rested, and being as prepared as you can be for the things that life will throw at you.
Peaceful pets
Something more fun that can also help you stay calm is a pet. A study conducted in 2001 found that people with pets were better at keeping their blood pressure down compared to those without pets. Other research has found that spending time with dogs also releases positive, mood enhancing chemicals like serotonin, prolactin, and oxytocin into your brain.
Dogs and Cats (and even goldfish) can be great company and are proven to help you stay calm. What could be better?? If you can’t commit to a lifetime with your pet, simply visit a farm or take your friend’s dog for a walk to get a dose of pet therapy.
Soothing sounds
When we’re stressed it can be difficult to tune out of our worries, but listening to calming sounds certainly helps. Put on your favourite album and light some candles as you chill out on the sofa. Or if the sounds of nature inspire you, take an evening walk in the woods to listen to birdsong or enjoy a stroll on the beach to hear the crashing waves.
The added bonus is that you’ll be getting some exercise and fresh air at the same time, both of which will help you to sleep more soundly. These soothing sounds can even be enjoyed through sound-effect apps so, even if you don’t get a chance to leave the house, you can still relax by closing your eyes and listening to the sound of raindrops on your phone.
Relaxing games
Games can have much more of an impact on your stress levels and ability to relax than you realise. By spending time on a few of them, you could relax more than you’d think and make the evening a lot more peaceful. It’s just a matter of focusing on the games that help you to relax. These can be anything from card games like solitaire to video games. Even as little as half an hour playing them in the evening could make it much more peaceful and stops you scrolling on screens.
Let me know how you relax and de-stress in your own home by leaving me a comment below – everything helps so I’d love to hear your tips 🙂
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