
Search Results for: work from home – Page 8


DIY festive fairies in snow-covered Kilner jars

The thing that I love most about Christmas is the lights. The twinkling fairy lights on the tree, homes lit up with sparkly displays and town centres adorned with colourful Christmas lights. It makes the whole festive season feel all the more magical to me and I especially love going


Pieday Friday ~ Warming root veg & squash soup

As you may have already spotted from my photos on Instagram, I grew a few squashes in my new veggie patch this year and that meant that I had plenty to play around with for Halloween. Now that the spooky season is over, I want to put my squashes to


Using garden pumpkins for my autumn display

This week I decided that it was an appropriate time of year to create my annual autumn flowers display in the living room. It’s usually more of an October thing, but I’ve been feeling decidedly autumnal after kicking up the leaves last weekend, writing about my favourite autumn colours and

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday ~ Favourite shoes from the Cosmo Blog Awards

Just a month ago I was making my way to London to attend one of the most exciting events I’ve ever experienced; the Cosmopolitan Blog Awards. As an avid reader of Cosmo magazine it was the highlight of my blogging career to be nominated in the blog awards and I


Vintage coffee on a lazy Sunday morning

Happy Sunday everyone! It already feels like one of those lazy days when you just don’t want to leave the comfort of your bed, the Sunday papers are calling, and the coffee is bubbling away on the hob. I actually had a rather late night out at a hangar dance

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday ~ Strictly Dancing Shoes

I’ve got Strictly fever. I can’t get enough of the sparkles and sequins. I’ve been dancing in my kitchen while baking. I’ve been watching training clips on my phone at every opportunity. I’ve been glued to my TV on Saturday nights and I’ve started to arrange my social life around it.


Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside ~ building the beach hut

After installing a massive photowall in the bathroom last month, I’ve had an urge to ‘makeover’ the room, taking inspiration from costal homes. I’ve shared my moodboard so that you can get an idea of how I’d like the bathroom to turn out and have been pinning like crazy to

Sewing projects

Sewing tips to make a vintage dress fit

I am forever spotting gorgeous vintages dresses when I go for my weekly rummage in the charity shops but I am often put off from investing in an outfit because it is far too big for me. Last week, I tried on this vintage shirt dress from Oxfam, which was

my favourite things

The story of Cookie & Muffin

This week marks the birthday of my cats Cookie and Muffin. Okay, it’s not actually their birthday – I have no idea when they were born – but it is the anniversary of when we adopted them, so I always like to call it their ‘birthday’ and mark the occasion


My GBBO recipe for baking a giant doughnut!

This week’s challenge for the Great British Bake Off is advanced dough. I don’t know if I’d call this advanced (as I deliberately chose a recipe without yeast!) and I’m pretty sure it’ll be rather basic compared to all the extravagant flavours and shapes on tonight’s TV show, but I


Interior design inspiration ~ photowalls

When I wrote about the interior décor of Hollister stores last week it was pretty clear that I was really inspired by the design. Ever since my visit to the Cambridge shop, I’ve been trying to work out a way that I could inject a bit of Californian holiday atmosphere


4 ways to save money in the bedroom

As you probably already know, I’ve been decorating my bedroom on a budget and have been trying to ‘get the look for less’ over the past few months. I hope that you’ve been inspired by some of the sewing and DIY projects I’ve shared and will be trying out some ideas in

Inspiration & Quotes

My fun weekend at Blogstock

I’ve just got home from one of the best festivals I’ve ever been to. It wasn’t a big festival, it wasn’t rowdy and – most importantly – it wasn’t muddy! But it was just right for a happy bunch of bloggers who traipsed out to Elstree this weekend where Aldenham


How to design the perfect kitchen

If your kitchen could do with an overhaul, now is a great time to start planning your brand new design. As I mentioned in my home inspirations post last week, I have been planning a kitchen makeover for some time but have never quite got any further than painting a few tester-pot

DIY furniture makeovers

My little vintage caravan ~ A mini desk makeover

I love the thrifty nature of a makeover project to ‘get the look for less’ and I’m always keen to recycle and renovate old or unwanted items to keep them out of landfill. So when I needed a little extra storage space for my little vintage caravan, I headed to


How to design a bathroom on a budget

Even though it’s the often smallest room in my home I’ve recently discovered that the bathroom can be the most expensive room in the house to remodel, if you take it inch for inch. The bathroom requires a great deal of skilled labour, including input from plumbers, carpenters and electrical contractors, and


Pieday Friday – One-pot cooking: Jambalaya

I’m writing today’s Pieday Friday post for two reasons: firstly, it’s Glastonbury this weekend and this is a great one-pot campfire recipe for all the family and secondly, it’s because hubby and I visited a Chilli Farm this week and bought a big smoked chorizo that we wanted to try!


Thrifty ways to earn extra money for summer

Summer is coming! With its long days and beautiful weather nobody wants to be short of money so that they are unable go out into the world and enjoy each and every day that the sunshine offers. There are many ways to earn some extra cash all year round, but

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday ~ 50p shoes

In the news last week was a discussion about the cost of keeping a monarchy in the UK and it was revealed that taxpayers pay 56p each to keep the royal family running every year. I know that not everyone will agree with me, but I think that’s fairly good


This season’s interior design trends

colour-matching pioneers Pantone have come up with a selection of colours that they think are right for this coming season, and we’ve got the details here, along with some of this season’s other interior trends.


A foodie day out in Cambridge & dinner at Jamie’s Italian

Over the weekend, hubby and I took a trip to Cambridge and it turned into one of those days of eating and drinking in a surprisingly foodie location. Our sightseeing journey around this historical city involved lots of walking, so we were guaranteed to work up an quite an appetite


Ideas for creating relaxing mood-lighting in your home

Are you sitting the bathtub, trying to relax with that bright white fluorescent light? Not very calming, is it? I’ve often just turned the light off and left the door ajar with the hallway light diffusing into the bathroom so that I can enjoy a little ambience while I bathe!

DIY furniture makeovers

My renovation sensation project

When I first heard about the Renovation Sensation project my mind went into overdrive – so many ideas went whizzing around my mind and I was super-excited to get started. The challenge was set by Direct Blinds and I knew straightaway that it was right up my street: I love the


Chemical-free ideas for spring cleaning

It’s a mucky job – full of unexpected cobwebs and a surprising amount of dust – but it needs doing and it naffs me off every time. I’m talking about the big Spring Clean. Here’s how to do it chemical-free…


Creating a rustic interior

Rustic is defined as simple and artless or even unsophisticated. The term is used in a slightly different capacity, however, when referencing a style of interior design. Rustic homes possess a charming coarseness that is growing ever more popular, being chiefly influenced by nature. The style is inspired by French,


Pre-preparation to keep your hair looking great at Glastonbury

With Glastonbury starting this week and a plethora of music festivals taking place throughout the summer I thought it would be a good idea to write a blog post about how to pre-prepare your hair to keep it looking great during the festival season. Its one of the things that

Cassiefairy's News

A day in the life…

Hello. Welcome to a day in my life. Wait, don’t go – it’ll be interesting, honest! After my ‘personal branding’ lesson last month, I realised that I really did want to share more about myself with my lovely readers and I think it’s only fair that I give you an insight


My DIY pin-up girl cushion sewing project

Since the end of The Great British Sewing Bee I’ve stepped away from my sewing machine and for some reason have struggled to think up ideas for creative projects. I think I was just SO inspired by the Sewing Bee that when I no longer had that regular reminder to get sewing


Say goodbye to mouldy paint & my other favourite life hacks

It’s always the same at this time of year. I start looking around at my home after the winter hibernation and realise that it’s time to make some changes. Whether it’s simply an early spring clean or (in my case) tackling a bigger decorating project, this is when I start

Cassiefairy's News

My amazing night at the National Blog Awards

Have you ever spent years dreaming about an event, months working towards it, weeks planning your movements, days deliberating your outfits, hours getting ready, only to find yourself minutes before the big moment with your heart pounding, palms sweating, wishing that you’d stayed at home hidden under the duvet? This

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday ~ YOUR shoes for April

This week’s Tuesday Shoesday blog post is all about you. Today I’m featuring all the photos and stories about the lovely shoes that my fabulous readers have sent in after seeing my last article on YOUR favourite shoes. Do you have some favourite footwear that you’d like to share on


Light my fire with solar lighters

A few weeks ago I investigated the concept of solar cooking during one of my Pieday Friday cooking blog posts and I discussed how the sun’s power can be harnessed to achieve a solar-powered oven to barbeque meat, cook a casserole or even bake a cake! There are lots of


A sunny weekend – bargain hunting, art & digging

I had a rather outdoorsy Saturday planned for this weekend and thankfully the weather has stayed pretty good here. To kick-start the weekend hubby and I set out alarms for normal weekday times and dragged ourselves out of bed to go to the local carboot sale. I love rummaging for a bargain but my husband is much


Tuesday Shoesday ~ YOUR shoes

If someone asked you to show them your favourite shoes, which pair would you pick and why? That’s exactly what I’ve asked my lovely readers to do and I’m pleased to report that lots of bloggers were able to answer that difficult question! I’ve compiled the images that all you


My new years plan ~ Tidy house, tidy mind

Today, I’m having a clean up and a clear out. Or rather, I am procrastinating by writing a blog post about clearing up and clearing out! But I will get round to it today – honestly! Because I’ve heard it said a million times that a tidy desk/kitchen/home leads to a


Dream a little dream… Re-do your bedroom with cushions

If you’ve been following my series of blog posts about my bedroom makeover before Christmas you’ll know that I’m trying to decorate my bedroom and make it into a tranquil, restful space on a budget. So far, I’ve used book pages to wallpaper a feature wall and plain white bedding for

Inspiration & Quotes

Building your own personal brand ~ brand purpose & the next step

A couple of weeks ago I told you all that I’d just finished my leisure-learning course on Secret Power of Brands – a degree-level course from the University of East Anglia. Although I enjoyed the course, it was very business-focussed throughout and I learnt a lot about the history and


Pieday Friday ~ Get out the solar cooker, it’s bbq weather!

Welcome to another Pieday Friday and this week I’m chatting about the concept of solar cooking. It’s possibly not something you’ve considered before and prior to this month I’d never even heard of solar cooking myself but I’ve been researching energy-saving ways to do everyday tasks around my home and


My mid-century living room ~ making retro artwork

Ever since I framed up a selection Christmas quotes and hung them on my living room walls during the festive period, I’ve been thinking ahead to the new year and what I could replace these seasonal posters for the rest of the year. I’ve already made the holes in my

Special Occasions

The countdown to Valentine’s Day begins

Okay, okay I know it’s not Christmas (although looking at the OTT shop displays at this time of year you’d be forgiven for believing otherwise) but I think, in my own selfish way, that Valentines Day is an important gift-giving occasion (hubby, this is a hint for you..!). In fact, it’s

Sewing projects

My country craft sewing project – adding contrast panels to a dress

This week I’ve been slaving over my sewing machine… and loving every minute of it. You see, I’ve been inspired by the Great British Sewing Bee and watching the show each week has reignited my love of sewing and making something new without spending a fortune. In fact, being thrifty

Cassiefairy's News

Back to normal & back to work

Today, I’m back to normal. After all the festivities of Christmas and new year, an after a month of having a poorly hubby at home recovering from an operation, we are finally heading back to work and back into our normal routine. I know many people went back to work last


An early morning walk in the frost

You won’t believe it but I’ve already been out and about in the ‘fresh air’ this morning for a walk in a frosty winter wonderland. Although it was freezing cold, I love chilly mornings when you open the curtains and see a white-out of sparkling frost on the ground. At


Pieday Friday ~ Bake a cheese loaf for the weekend

One of my favourite treats is cheese bread. I’m not someone who gets particularly excited about sweet things (except for this red velvet cake, yum!) but I can’t resist something cheesy. If it’s melted cheese, even better! I still have a lot of cheese left over after Christmas – why do


Happy Halloween – look what we carved..!

It’s Halloween today and I wanted to show off the cool pumpkin that hubby and I carved yesterday. Upon the recommendation of my friend-with-children, I bought this 3 piece pumpkin carving kit from The Factory Shop. It was already reduced to £1 when I bought it and that was a couple


I’m having a new year wardrobe clear out

January is the perfect time to think about having a home overhaul and clearing the clutter from your house. Like me, you’ve probably made promises to yourself to improve your emotional wellbeing, career and health but did you focus any of your resolutions on your house? I’m thinking that maybe


DIY glitter banner for Christmas

It’s not long to Christmas now and I’m sure that many of you will be decorating your homes for the festive season soon, if you haven’t already! I’ve come up with a super-easy DIY that you can make ready for the big day and it’s so easy to do that


Pieday Friday ~ Warming Caramelised Onion Soup

This week, when hubby had a half-day off work, I cooked us both a yummy soup for lunch. It’s definitely the time of year that I want to have something warm to eat at lunchtime (there was actually frost on the ground here this week!) so I looked up recipes for


Pieday Friday ~ Cornflake cobweb cakes

Now that we’re heading towards the end of October, I think it’s okay for me to start talking about making cakes for your Halloween party! Even if you’re not having a Halloween party for the little ‘uns, maybe you can make these little cakes for the trick-or-treaters, or just make


My week…

This week I’m getting involved with a bit of a blog challenge from lovely lifestyle blog La Vie Sophie – If you’ve not already checked out her blog, do it now! After meeting her at the Company blog awards earlier this year Sophie has inspired me with her gorgeous photographs


Time for a spring clean – in the summer…

When the sun comes out, my thoughts turn to the outside of my house. I love my garden, but don’t really like getting dirty – so I’m more than happy to sit outside and watch while hubby gets to work digging over the borders! But while I was sitting outside


Some wise old advice for new students

Well it’s officially the summer holidays now and students up and down the country are waiting for their exam results. Whether they have just completed their A-Levels, college course or first year at university, they will undoubtedly be jittery about what the results-slip says, because it’ll confirm the path that


Getting creative with storage space

I don’t know about you, but when my house is untidy, I just can’t relax. I don’t mean that my home has to be in über-clean condition, but if there’s mess covering my surfaces, my mind feels just as messy and I really want to tidy up before I can get started on

Art & Photography

Photography exhibition – Man v Nature by Claire Lacey

Today is the launch of a brand new photography exhibition at the Morley College, Westminster in London and it features work by my wonderful photographer friend and blog contributor Claire Lacey of Lacey In Places. Here she shares her photographs on the subject of Man v Nature and discusses how she produced the


A beach hut inspired story by author Amanda Addison

One of the wonderful contributions to June’s Inspiration Challenge was the start of a story by writer Amanda Addison. You may remember that I shared an excerpt of the text in the Inspiration Challenge blog post which focused on projects inspired by beach huts and now I want to share


Making large wall-art using A2 posters

I recently bought some frames at a bargain price from The Range and wanted to make my own unique artwork for my bedroom. The frames were very large carved wooden frames in a lovely dark wood that I thought would go perfectly with my bed frame. I loved the frames, but


A day without tea? Nightmare!

I am having a tough day. Not because my work has gone wrong. Not because anyone has been mean to me. And not because I’ve broken anything (which does generally speaking happen on a daily basis). Today has been a little bit more difficult than usual simply because I have no


“Sew” much for getting any work done…

I had a plan to get lots of work done today – admin, tax returns, y’know the important stuff. HOWEVER, my new sewing machine has just arrived! And we all know what that means – work goes right out of the window while I play around for hours with my new toy! You

Thrifty gifts

A little treat for little ol’ me

This week I arrived home after a hard days work to find a massive box on my doorstep. The arrival of a parcel is always exciting and it was especially great today as this was a delivery of flowers from Debenhams. I am baffled how a bunch of flowers can be sent through

Hen parties

Hen party series – His ‘n’ Hers

My new hen party series is well underway, with lovely blogger Ellen Avants sharing her ideas for personalising a hen party and Lacey in Places writing articles ideas for games and budget planning. Today I’m sharing my own experiences of my hen party and why it’s best to share..! Back when I celebrated my hen

Inspiration Challenge

Inspiration Challenge ~ May’s update & new inspiration for June

It’s the start of another month (lets hope it’ll continue to be a delightfully sunny one!), and here is this month’s update the on Inspiration Challenge from its new home at Cassiefairy HQ. Last month I took over the Inspiration Challenge from the lovely Lucy and with the help of my friend Meg,


Charity shops are going vintage crazy – good news for me!

Have you noticed that a lot of charity shops are now allocating a good portion of their display space to stocking vintage items? I’ve been in many charity shops recently that have dedicated a whole ‘department’ to vintage clothing, accessories and even retro homewares. Some shops that I’ve visited recently have

Hen parties

Hen party series ~ Planning a vintage hen party

If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that I’ve been running a series of articles on hen parties – and with the summer wedding season fast approaching, I’m glad to be able to bring you some top-tips from lots of my fellow bloggers. Ellen previously sharing her article on


The joy of “Snow Days” & my photos of the big freeze

Well, the UK weather forecasters have been predicting a deep-freeze for a while now, with a freakishly low-temperatured cold-front predicted to hit the country this week – and for once they actually got it right – it snowed! At least in some parts of the country that is. When I wake


Everyone needs a Quillow…

Back by popular demand, here’s Lacey in Places to share the story of how a holiday two years ago led to one of her most random purchases to date – the Quillow. Back in November 2010, I decided I needed was some winter sun. So where better to go that’s warm


Tuesday Shoesday – So many shoes, so little space!

If you love shoes the way that I love shoes, you’ll be experiencing the same dilemma that I am. As the shoe ‘collection’ grows and the wardrobe stays the same size, I’m struggling with finding places to stash my footwear. So that’s what this week’s Tuesday Shoesday is all about

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