
Search Results for: work from home – Page 7

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday – How to make your footwear last forever..!

With wet weather comes muddy boots and just having tidemarks from tiptoeing through puddles is enough to make you feel like a right mess, even though the rest of your outfit is perfectly clean. So if you find yourself caught in an April shower, just take a moment to give


Tuesday Shoesday – Shoes fit for an awards ceremony

In case you didn’t already hear me bleating on about it on Twitter – I’m going to the UK Blog Awards! So basically, you’ll be treated to lots of preparation posts on the blog this week, showing you exactly what dress and accessories I’m going to wear, the make-up and skincare I’m


Pieday Friday – Minted pea pasta with chargrilled chicken

We’re all hoping for a sunny bank holiday weekend right? And what better way to spend the long lazy weekend than with a spot of al fresco dining, eh? I’ve got the ideal recipe for you to try out this weekend; it’s really fast, super-easy and uses just a handful


Utility rooms – Making the most of a small space

We could all do with a bit more room, couldn’t we? I know I personally need much more room – or perhaps far fewer things! Okay, okay, I could have a clear out, minimise my stuff and move onto a narrowboat, but even then I think I’d find a few important things that


How to turn a basic kitchen into a luxury space

A luxury kitchen equals expensive, right? And there’s no way that you’re going to spend all your hard-earned cash on a kitchen when you’ve got other rooms in your new home to decorate, yes? Well that’s what I always thought, and when you’re working to a strict budget it can


Thrifty in the kitchen: How frozen food helps reduce waste

I’m always on the look out for ways to save money and cut day-to-day living costs. Until now, the only thrifty cooking advice I’ve been able to give you is to make your own meals from scratch (rather than buying pricey takeaways or ready-meals) and to buy food when it’s in


One week, no jeans challenge

We all have a style uniform, don’t we? A particular style of outfit that you pull on day-in-day-out without really thinking about it. For me, it’s comfy jeans combined with a jumper in winter and the same jeans rolled up with a t-shirt in the summer. I reach for my skinny jeans


DIY interiors project – colourful cupboards

Want to inject a bit of colour into your room but don’t want to commit to a complete wall-to-wall makeover? Can I suggest painting the inside of your cupboards instead? It’s interior design on a very ‘interior’ scale – the inner walls of your storage to be exact! It allows


Interior design inspiration – Eat-and-chat kitchens

While daydreaming about my future home, I come up with all kinds of ideas in my head. They’re mostly about nifty storage solutions (I have a whole garage full of stuff that needs to be stored somewhere when I move house) but sometimes they’re about the way that I actually want to live

Days Out

Pack a picnic + my ‘cheese crunch’ sandwich recipe

It must be the slighter sunnier weather, or perhaps the impending Easter holidays, that has got me thinking about days out, picnics and flasks full of tea. In fact, I went on my first picnic of the year yesterday lunchtime and, after all these dark winter months of eating lunch


Interior design trends for a new loft space

If, like many homeowners, you have been looking for great new ways that you can make the most of your property and expand it rather than moving to a larger home, you might want to take a look in your loft space. If it is still only used as a


A floral bedroom makeover – Flooring dilemmas

Whenever I get that spring cleaning feeling, it always turns into a bigger job than I imagined. What starts out as a wipe-down-the-skirting-boards and dust-the-curtain-rail kind spring clean, always seems to turn into a complete room makeover. And this year is no exception. That urge to decorate has arrived and


My little vintage caravan – On the road again!

Remember my little vintage caravan? It tends to be more of a focus of my blog posts during the summer, because I seem to spend most of my time out there when the weather is good. When it’s chilly and windy, like it has been this week, I’ve been rather

Anniversary parties

Pieday Friday drinks recipe – Fruit cubes for sparkling cocktails

Today’s recipe is a great one for adding a little bit of excitement to your party. If you’re planning a wedding, hen party, birthday or are even gathering together to celebrate the Queen’s 90th at a street party, this little fruity recipe would be a great addition to a glass


How to create a fresh kitchen look for less

It’s a well-known fact that everybody looks for ways to save money at the start of the year, especially straight after the ‘excessive’ festive period. It’s also well known that once winter is over, we start to look around our homes with fresh eyes and start to notice little jobs


Operation organise! The never-ending battle to keep my desk tidy

Whether you’re working in an office environment or you’ve got your own personal space at home, keeping your work area neat can sometimes be a tricky task. I know I struggle to keep that stack of paperwork under control! Throw in numerous cups of tea and lunch at my desk


Guest post: Create your dream kitchen on a budget

Refurbishing your kitchen does not always have to be a costly venture. By picking your finishes wisely and by planning and doing certain things yourself, you can really cut your expenses right down.


Looking forward to Easter – Mini-eggs, toys and outdoor fun

With the big Easter holiday looming at the end of the month (and a bit of time off, phew!) I’ve been busy making plans for Easter fun with the family. We all love to get together at some point over the four-day holiday and enjoy a meal together, as well as organising an


Using water to create a relaxing home

January can be a particularly stressful time of year and I often find that I get a little over-whelmed. I think it’s a combination of being back at work after a long Christmas break, dull weather and shorter days, and it makes me feel like I’m running out of time

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday – Knee-high v ankle boots

It’s the age-old question: knee-high or ankle? Which type of boots do you prefer? If you only had the money to buy one pair of boots to last you forever, which would you choose? Come on, no sitting on the fence: these boots were made for walking, so which pair


Styling the candy look interiors trend for DFS

While everyone else was putting up their decorations and baking mince pies, I was researching S/S16 interiors trends. While humming along to Christmas carols and lighting my advent candle, I was flicking through pastel colour swatches and picking out brightly patterned cushions. And only days before finally putting my feet up


Interior design inspiration for low-cost bedrooms

Since being glued to The Great Interior Design Challenge each evening on BBC2, I’ve become much more interested in seeking out interior design inspiration online. It turns out that researching a new style and finding a way of creating the look for less is super-easy when you’re browsing Pinterest. Honestly,


Can you have a beautiful home when you have pets?

When your home is stylish and comfortable it’s great to come back from a hard day at the office, kick your shoes off and relax. You can chill on the sofa and feel a sense of harmony when you look around. But what happens if you have dogs, cats, or


Pieday Friday – Eat well & healthily this year

I’m sharing money-saving tips for eating well and healthily this new year. Hopefully, these ideas will inspire you to make a change to the way you approach meal times AND treat yourself with the care that your body deserves.


Thrifty ways to renovate your home

If you’re anything like me, the chances are you want your home to look as perfect as possible but you also have to be mindful of your budget. If you’ve been reading my blog recently, you’ll have seen that I’ve shared a couple of very low-budget room makeovers in my


No hot water? My tips for surviving a cold Christmas

One of my worst nightmares is being cold in the winter, alongside any kind of home maintenance disasters. Christmas is precisely the wrong time for a boiler to break down, for drains to get blocked or the heating system to fail, yet it always seems that problems occur at this time


Interior inspiration from real homes

It’s easy to swoon over the beautiful rooms in interior design magazines, dribble over perfectly styled images by designers on Instagram, and fall in love with professional decorating projects on Pinterest. However, recreating even the most simple interior design project can be difficult to achieve in your own home…

Events & Entertainment

How to re-fashion your wardrobe this weekend

What are your plans for the weekend? Not all that busy? Well I’ve just found out about something that I’d love you to get involved with. A series of special events is taking place in and around London this weekend and, if you’re anything like me, I think you’d love to go to


Kitchen storage ideas & my pantry makeover

One of the things I love about old houses are the little nooks and crannies you can use for extra storage. The cupboard under the stairs is always a winning spot and some old kitchens have a pantry cupboard. Our home didn’t have a pantry but we desperately needed one!


Great dogs for active people

I love dogs. Even though I’m currently a cat-mummy and have filled my Instagram feed with photos of my furr-babies, I’m also a big fan of dogs. I think people usually describe themselves as being a ‘cat person’ or a ‘dog person’ but I am most definitely both. I can’t


Say it with light by interior designer Celia Sawyer

As one of my favourite interior designers, I was delighted when Celia Sawyer offered to write a guest post for my wonderful readers. The ‘Four Rooms’ dealer and celebrity designer tells us why lighting should be the first item on your to-do list when curating a new home, and I


My money-saving tips for students

It wasn’t too long ago that I was starting university. I packed up a car with all my worldly goods and moved myself to the other side of the country to start a new life 5 hours away from home. I remember those first few weeks when all I worried about


My monochrome hallway makeover

This week my husband and I have been working hard to decorate our hallway. It’s one of the only spaces in the house that has remained untouched since we moved in more than three years ago, so it was looking pretty tired and desperately needed updating. You may remember that


Mid-Century Modern inspiration – George Nelson

I’ve finally found it. The finishing touch to my Mid-Century Modern living room. It’s been on my radar for years and I’ve lusted after similar designs for months. From past experience, I know that just waiting long enough and not rushing into a purchase will ultimately bring the item to


My mini kitchen makeover – Inspiration for small kitchens

And I mean ‘mini’ in both senses – it’s a mini room and I’m on a budget so it’ll be a mini makeover. I’ve actually lived in my home for over three years now and am yet to tackle the kitchen. The trouble with this room is that it is

Map Geek

Map Geek – Max Gill

MacDonald Gill, known as Max, was a major figure in the graphic art world in the first half of the 20th century. Back in November I visited an exhibition of his work at The Lettering Arts Centre completely by accident and I was fascinated by the maps on display. The

Thrifty gifts

Watch out! It’s time to change…

Have you noticed that the days are already feeling shorter just by the evenings being slightly darker than usual? I’ve actually felt more rushed than usual in my work, and I feel like it’s taking up all of my day and I just don’t have the time to relax in

Kitsch Kitchen

My mini kitchen makeover – Paint colours & fabric patterns

The summer holidays have arrived! And with them come the opportunity to spend some time at home and get started on a couple of decorating projects that I’ve been bursting to do. You may remember that I shared some inspirational images for my ideal kitchen a couple of weeks ago

DIY furniture makeovers

A DIY barbecue makeover

Yay for summer and whoop for BBQ season! It’s finally time to drag out the barbecue, scrub down the grill and fire up the coals. Or so I thought… It turns out that my barbecue required a makeover, and quick!Last year we invested in a kettle barbecue. Ok, it wasn’t


Cleaning my caravan & beautiful spring flowers

April was a good month for getting things done. There were equal numbers of bright days to grey days so everything in out home got sorted out, both inside and out. It’s such a lovely feeling to tick lots of chores off our list and I’m going into May with


Tips for getting the perfect fitting bra

Is there a bra ‘season’? A particular ‘time of year’ for underwear? If there isn’t then why am I seeing bra promotions wherever I go? I’ve bought no less than three bras in as many days and I think it’s down to the weather. Just the thought of last-year’s bra

Map Geek

Map Geek – Going into the map

Do you remember that episode of Friends where the Chandler and Joey are tourists in London and Joey has to ‘go into the map’ in order to get his bearings? He put the map on the floor and stepped onto it to work out what direction to head in, even


A beautiful bouquet for the holidays

It’s half term this week and I’m taking a little time off with my husband. We having a lovely break, full of days out and delicious meals, and I’ve just received a gorgeous bouquet – I’m one lucky lady! This beautiful bunch of blue hydrangea and roses arrived at the start


Dream a little dream – 50 sheets of grey

Please excuse the predictable title, but what else would I name a blog post about grey bedding?? As you may have noticed from my previous blog post about choosing a new paint colour, I’m giving my bedroom a bit of an overhaul and picking out some much-needed new bedding is the


Guest post: 5 Biggest mistakes people make with interior design

Today I wanted to share a really interesting article that I stumbled across last week. I asked designer and artist Chris Ramensky whether he would be willing to share his tips on interior design with you and he kindly sent over a guest post on the biggest (yet most common!)


A newly landscaped garden & JUST EAT app review

Well, that was a busy half-term week. My family and I spent the week at my mother’s house doing some major landscaping in the garden. We dug the uneven ground, we laid a patio, we shovelled gravel. We drilled, cut and nailed all week in order to create mum’s dream


Dream a little dream – A new bedroom colour scheme

I’ve been thinking about decorating my bedroom. Ever since the ‘spring clean’ of 2015 I realised that the paintwork on the walls is not in the best condition and although the room looks nice overall, it definitely needs freshening up. It would be simple enough to buy some magnolia paint and

Special Occasions

Fathers Day Gift Inspiration

There’s just one week to go until Father’s Day – did you know it was coming up on the 21st June? I always feel like this occasion sneaks up on us, so I’m often vastly underprepared. But this year is different; I’ve been doing my research and have come up with


Budget friendly ideas to create a more spacious home

I often wish that my house was bigger. It doesn’t take much clutter to fill up the small rooms in my home and storage always seems to be in short supply even though practically every wall is covered with shelving and cupboards. In truth, I think I’m just trying to


DIY Easter bunny wreath for spring

How will the Easter bunny know where to deliver your chocolate eggs if you don’t hang a spring wreath on your door?? The whole Easter bunny thing is like Santa, right? Well, I don’t want to risk missing out on my chocolate goodies so I’ve been DIYing a wreath for

DIY furniture makeovers

DIY makeover for mid-century modern teak furniture

Today I’m sharing a tip on making your own scratch-remover using just a couple of household ingredients. If you’re a fan of the mid-century modern style like me but are on a tight budget (also like me!) this ‘polish’ will help bring most teak surfaces back to a soft shine


Tuesday Shoesday – His ‘n’ Hers – Mustard and Rust

Do we need a heatwave to know that summer is here? Did I suddenly feel more summery when I flipped the calendar over to June? No, the thing that makes me sure that summer has arrived is a good old-fashioned summer sale! Yes, the butterflies, blue skies and sunburn set the scene

Inspiration & Quotes

Make It Happen – Inspiration from Katie Piper

I got off to a really slow start today. It started out just like any other day: I got up and made the bed as usual, ate my overnight oats for breakfast, put a truck-load of effort into my morning workout and watched a couple of motivational business videos on


Interior design inspiration – Fifty shades of grey

Okay, I’m not talking actually about the book but I am putting together a blog post full of inspiration for your home decorating. With the film adaptation of ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ being released this Valentine’s Day I thought it was about time that I wrote a little something about

Inspiration & Quotes

My favourite mugs

If you’ve ever browsed my blog you’ll know how much I love a nice cup of tea and I think it’s important to stop work and have a tea break at regular intervals. Can I tempt you to take a break right now? Go on, put the kettle on and


My little vintage caravan – Personalised storage

A couple of weeks ago I shared my ideas for a crafty storage solution for my vintage caravan workshop and after a few days of deliberation, delivery and construction I’m now able to share with you some photos of the completed shelving units and cupboards. After making the decision about the

Tuesday Shoesday

Tuesday Shoesday – Butterfly Twists

It’s been one of those gorgeous spring mornings today; the sun was shining brightly from 7am and there’s was little fresh dew on the grass. It was so lovely and warm this morning that I even popped out for a quick walk before getting started on my work for the


My little vintage caravan – My crafty storage solution

If you’ve been following my caravan renovation project to turn a grubby old Sprite caravan into a cosy office and sewing workshop, you’ll know how important it is for me to create a space that is both practical and beautiful. I’ve previously addressed the damp issue and in doing so


Packing for a Winter break in a carry on suitcase

The holiday that I’ve been looking forward to all year has finally arrived and we are heading off for a romantic Valentine’s Day break. This 5-day trip is probably the longest break that I’ve ever been on and it has taken a lot of planning – including proper packing…

Events & Entertainment

A Valentine’s Day to remember in Blackpool

Hi everyone, I’m back from the most amazing holiday and can’t wait to tell you all about it. After 14 years together my husband and I took our first ever ‘proper’ holiday lasting a full 5 nights. Yes, even our honeymoon didn’t last that long! Last week we toured from


Interior design inspiration ~ The rustic trend

At this time of year, as the seasons change from hot summer to cool autumn, I really get the urge to snuggle down at home and feather my nest, getting ready for the cold winter ahead. I start thinking about hot drinks, casseroles and blankets, and the design inspirations that I’m continuously


Deck Your Door: DIY snow drift Christmas wreath

I can’t wait any longer. For me, Christmas starts right here. I’m going to be decorating my house next weekend and I don’t care who knows it! I’ve already got a couple of new decorations to add to my Christmas tree and I’m ready to spread tinsel wherever I go.


Thriftmas Style Blogger Challenge

Earlier this week I was invited to join in with the Thriftmas Style Blogger Challenge, to buy a complete party outfit for the festive season for less than £75 online. Could it be done? There was only one way to find out… I was very excited to give it a

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